
Es werden Posts vom Oktober 8, 2016 angezeigt.


Evento Fecha Hora (GMT)* Latitud Longitud Prof (km) Int. (***) Máx. Mag Tipo (**) Mag. Localización es2016mcpoe 08/10/2016 19:49:05 37.9396 -1.8596 2   1.9 4 S CARAVACA DE LA CRUZ.MU Evento Fecha Hora (GMT)* Latitud Longitud Prof (km) Int. (***) Máx. Mag Tipo (**) Mag. Localización es2016mcnjd 08/10/2016 14:47:29 37.9052 -1.8281 12   2.4 4 SW BULLAS.MU


Evento Fecha Hora (GMT)* Latitud Longitud Prof (km) Int. (***) Máx. Mag Tipo (**) Mag. Localización es2016mcpbn 08/10/2016 18:07:39 27.9718 -16.3460     1.6 4 ATLÁNTICO-CANARIAS


Evento Fecha Hora (GMT)* Latitud Longitud Prof (km) Int. (***) Máx. Mag Tipo (**) Mag. Localización es2016mcnpo 08/10/2016 15:41:58 43.1078 -14.4809 25   3.6 6 ATLÁNTICO


You felt this earthquake. Tell us! Magnitude M 2.6 Region NORTHERN ITALY Date time 2016-10-08 15:46:05.6 UTC Location 44.03 N ; 7.18 E Depth 5 km Distances 38 km NW of Monaco, Monaco / pop: 33,000 / local time: 17:46:05.6 2016-10-08 8 km SW of Saint-Martin-Vésubie, France / pop: 1,400 / local time: 17:46:05.6 2016-10-08 Source parameters not yet reviewed by a seismologist You felt this earthquake. Tell us! Magnitude ML 3.9 Region CENTRAL ITALY Date time 2016-10-08 18:11:09.6 UTC Location 42.74 N ; 13.19 E Depth 11 km Distances 110 km NE of Roma, Italy / pop: 2,564,000 / local time: 20:11:09.6 2016-10-08 47 km N of L’Aquila, Italy / pop: 68,600 / local time: 20:11:09.6 2016-10-08 12 km E of Maltignano, Italy / pop: 2,600 / local time: 20:11:09.6 2016-10-08 Source parameters provided by:   Instituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia -- Roma, Italy (INGV) More information at:   Italian National Seismic Network Roma, Italy   More inform...


You felt this earthquake. Tell us! Magnitude M 2.5 Region LIGURIAN SEA Date time 2016-10-08 21:19:19.7 UTC Location 43.73 N ; 8.38 E Depth 2 km Distances 78 km E of Monaco, Monaco / pop: 33,000 / local time: 23:19:19.7 2016-10-08 33 km SE of Imperia, Italy / pop: 39,500 / local time: 23:19:19.7 2016-10-08 Source parameters not yet reviewed by a seismologist More information at:   Italian National Seismic Network Roma, Italy   GéoAzur Sofia-Antipolis, France

The Great Pacific Garbage Patch

Actualizado el 14 nov. 2009 Plastic trash has made its way to the Pacific Ocean and its collected in massive amounts out in the middle of a 10 million square mile area known as the Pacific Gyre (pronounced G-I-R-E) which is also known as "The Great Pacific Garbage Patch". The Gyre is a large clockwise spinning vortex that basically sucks everything into itself and because plastic is not biodegradable and cannot be broken down naturally it will just continue to circle the Gyre for decades maybe even centuries. This plastic soup is wreaking unimaginable havoc on the area's ecosystems. More than 1 million sea birds die from ingesting the plastic thinking that it's food. Turtles are choking on plastic shopping bags, which look amazingly like jelly fish, the main prey of turtles. The answer to stopping this madness is to STOP USING SO MUCH FUCKIN' PLASTIC. And for the plastic that you do use, try to recycle it or better yet, REUSE it!

Schwimmende Plastikkontinente

Schwimmende Plastikkontinente Die größeren Teile werden von Wind und Meeresströmung an bestimmte Orte in unseren Ozeanen getrieben. Dort haben sich mittlerweile riesige, schwimmende Plastikflächen gebildet, ,  sogenannte Garbage Patches. Sie sind bis zu 30 Meter dick und umfassen durchaus die Fläche eines Landes. Besondere Sorgen bereitet dabei der Müll, der aufgrund des Tsunamis in Japan ins Meer gelangte – inklusive der Überreste der Havarie in Fukushima… Denn: Plastik ist wie gesagt extrem langlebig. Während ein Apfelbutzen 2 Monaten, ein Baumwollhemd bis zu 5 Monaten und eine Konservendose etwa 40 Jahre braucht, um zu zersetzen, beträgt die „Lebensdauer“ einer Einwegwindel oder eine Plastikflasche zum Beispiel 450 Jahre! Lesen Sie weiter: https://  Plastiktod für Tiere So kommt es, dass es mittlerweile keinen Kubikmeter Meer mehr ohne Plastikteilchen gibt. Ja, in unseren Ozeanen schwimmen sogar 46 mal ...

Estos son todos los fenómenos eléctricos que se dan en las #tormentas

Sònia Papell and 2 others liked this Objetivo Tormenta ‏ @ objtormentas 6h 6 hours ago Estos son todos los fenómenos eléctricos que se dan en las # tormentas SINOBAS , Spain Severe Weather , #eustorm and 6 others

Exposición de AVES-RAPACES- GRAN PLAN GRATUITO para la Mañana del #Sabado

Juan José Ariza ‏ @ jjarizabenitez 1h 1 hour ago # Hoy # Ahora # NoTeLoPierdas GRAN PLAN GRATUITO para la Mañana del # Sabado en # Armilla # Granada # encuentratusalas de 10 a 15 con @ AAMM_And Ayto. Armilla , Diputación Granada , CMAYOT and 7 others

Beautiful video of aurora over Norway - as it actually appears to the naked eye in real time!

severe-weather.EU ‏ @ severeweatherEU 9h 9 hours ago Beautiful video of aurora over Norway - as it actually appears to the naked eye in real time! Video: VisitSenja

Raw: Japan's Mount Aso Volcano Errupts

Publicado el 8 oct. 2016 A volcano in southwestern Japan erupted early on Saturday, spewing a plume of ash 6.8 miles into the sky, according to the Japanese Meteorological Agency. Japanese broadcaster NHK captured the moment on video when Mount Aso erupted. (Oct. 8)


Evento Fecha Hora (GMT)* Latitud Longitud Prof (km) Int. (***) Máx. Mag Tipo (**) Mag. Localización es2016mcfdm 07/10/2016 20:42:38 36.7712 -7.9804 6   2.9 4 GOLFO DE CÁDIZ Ampliar  


Evento Fecha Hora (GMT)* Latitud Longitud Prof (km) Int. (***) Máx. Mag Tipo (**) Mag. Localización es2016mcilf 08/10/2016 04:14:35 35.7105 -3.6754     2.4 4 ALBORÁN SUR


You felt this earthquake. Tell us! Magnitude ML 3.2 Region CENTRAL ITALY Date time 2016-10-08 08:15:01.8 UTC Location 42.78 N ; 13.20 E Depth 10 km Distances 115 km NE of Roma, Italy / pop: 2,564,000 / local time: 10:15:01.8 2016-10-08 50 km N of L’Aquila, Italy / pop: 68,600 / local time: 10:15:01.8 2016-10-08 32 km W of Ascoli Piceno, Italy / pop: 51,400 / local time: 10:15:01.8 2016-10-08 15 km NE of Maltignano, Italy / pop: 2,600 / local time: 10:15:01.8 2016-10-08 Source parameters provided by: You felt this earthquake. Tell us! Magnitude ML 2.4 Region NORTHERN ITALY Date time 2016-10-08 02:09:43.4 UTC Location 44.51 N ; 7.19 E Depth 2 km Distances 88 km N of Monaco, Monaco / pop: 33,000 / local time: 04:09:43.4 2016-10-08 31 km NW of Cuneo, Italy / pop: 52,400 / local time: 04:09:43.4 2016-10-08 Source parameters provided by:     Instituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia -- Roma, Italy (INGV) More information at:   Italian Natio...


  You felt this earthquake. Tell us! Magnitude ML 4.0 Region GREECE Date time 2016-10-08 00:33:23.5 UTC Location 40.96 N ; 22.78 E Depth 7 km Distances 161 km SE of Skopje, FYR of Macedonia / pop: 475,000 / local time: 02:33:23.5 2016-10-08 26 km S of Star Dojran, FYR of Macedonia / pop: 3,400 / local time: 02:33:23.5 2016-10-08 8 km SW of Kilkís, Greece / pop: 19,800 / local time: 03:33:23.5 2016-10-08 6 km W of Kristóni, Greece / pop: 1,200 / local time: 03:33:23.5 2016-10-08 Source parameters provided by: You felt this earthquake. Tell us! Magnitude ML 2.5 Region GREECE Date time 2016-10-08 00:30:31.3 UTC Location 38.32 N ; 20.39 E Depth 11 km Distances 294 km W of Athens, Greece / pop: 730,000 / local time: 03:30:31.3 2016-10-08 118 km W of Pátra, Greece / pop: 164,000 / local time: 03:30:31.3 2016-10-08 18 km NW of Argostólion, Greece / pop: 9,900 / local time: 03:30:31.3 2016-10-08 Source parameters provided by: You felt this ...


You felt this earthquake. Tell us! Magnitude ML 2.6 Region SWITZERLAND Date time 2016-10-08 02:31:59.6 UTC Location 46.40 N ; 8.55 E Depth 7 km Distances 104 km SE of Bern, Switzerland / pop: 122,000 / local time: 04:31:59.6 2016-10-08 43 km NW of Bellinzona, Switzerland / pop: 16,600 / local time: 04:31:59.6 2016-10-08 10 km NW of Cevio, Switzerland / pop: 1,900 / local time: 04:31:59.6 2016-10-08 Source parameters provided by:   Swiss Seismological Service -- Zürich, Switzerland (SED) More information at:   Italian National Seismic Network Roma, Italy   Swiss Seismological Service Zuerich, Switzerland

Barcelona-ALERTA DESACTIVADA #desaparecido

DESAPARECIDO/MISSING ‏ @ sosdesaparecido 6h 6 hours ago ALERTA DESACTIVADA # desaparecido # sosdesaparecidos # Missing # España # Barcelona # OlesaDeMontserrat DESAPARECIDO/MISSING ‏ @ sosdesaparecido Sep 28 Se busca a Antonio Rodríguez Vicente, desapareció el 24 d setiembre d 2016 en Olesa d Montserrat http://www. ecido-Antonio-Rodriguez-Vicente-Montserrat-Barcelona_0_957804991.html   … vía @ la_informacion DESAPARECIDO/MISSING ‏ @ sosdesaparecido     En España desaparecen cinco personas cada día http://   vía @ A3Noticias DESAPARECIDO/MISSING Retweeted Guardia Civil ‏ @ guardiacivil Sep 26 Un perro de la Guardia...


( Herbst-)zeitloser Lebenszyklus Der außergewöhnliche Blütezeitpunkt von August bis November, außerhalb der normalen Blütezeit, also zeitlos im Herbst, verlieh der krokusähnlichen Zwiebelblume einst ihren Namen. Nach der Blüte und der Befruchtung im Herbst zieht sich die Pflanze in den Boden zurück. Dort überwintert sie. Aus der alten Knolle, die später abstirbt, bildet sich eine neue Knolle. Im Frühjahr schiebt die Pflanze ihre dunkelgrünen, etwas dickfleischigen Blätter samt Fruchtkapsel mit den im letzten Herbst befruchteten Samen aus dem Boden und vermehrt sich, wenn sie nicht daran gehindert wird. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Die Herbstzeitlose oder Herbst-Zeitlose ist eine Pflanzenart, die zur Familie der Zeitlosengewächse gehört. Die Herbstzeitlose ist weit verbrei...