
Es werden Posts vom Februar 22, 2014 angezeigt.


Evento Fecha Hora (GMT)* Latitud Longitud Prof. (km) Int. Máx. Mag. Tipo Mag. (**) Localización 1259491 22/02/2014 19:30:34 36.8493 3.6187     4.8 3 NE BOUMERDAS.ARG


Magnitude Mw 4.1 Region NORTHERN ALGERIA Date time 2014-02-22 19:30:35.0 UTC Location 36.92 N ; 3.64 E Depth 10 km Distances 56 km E of Algiers, Algeria / pop: 1,977,663 / local time: 20:30:35.0 2014-02-22 22 km NE of Boumerdas, Algeria / pop: 786,499 / local time: 20:30:35.0 2014-02-22 Source parameters reviewed by a seismologist More information at:   Centre de Recherche en Astronomie, Astrophysique et Géophysique Algiers, Algeria


Magnitude mb 4.5 Region SOUTHERN IRAN Date time 2014-02-22 17:29:12.0 UTC Location 28.00 N ; 56.91 E Depth 47 km Distances 343 km NE of Dubai, United Arab Emirates / pop: 1,137,347 / local time: 21:29:12.0 2014-02-22 109 km NE of Bandar ‘Abbās, Iran / pop: 352,173 / local time: 20:59:12.0 2014-02-22 96 km N of Mīnāb, Iran / pop: 70,790 / local time: 20:59:12.0 2014-02-22 Source parameters reviewed by a seismologist More information at:   Institute of Geophysics, University of Tehran Tehran, Iran   International Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Seismology Tehran, Iran

Mª Esther Travieso, Gran Dama del Carnaval

Veröffentlicht am 21.02.2014 Más en Mª Esther Travieso, Gran Dama del Carnaval. Iván Artiles García y Chiara's Girls han obtenido los premios de disfraces en las categorías individual y de grupos, respectivamente. El Carnaval de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria ha elegido esta noche a la primera mujer de su corte: María Esther Travieso es, desde hoy y durante el próximo año, Gran Dama del Carnaval del Mundo de la Fantasía. El diseño que ha lucido en el escenario del parque Santa Catalina, Al-Ándalus, así como el ritmo y el ánimo que ha impreso a su representación, le han valido el título que hoy se disputaban cinco candidatas. Patrocinado por el Centro Comercial El Muelle, María Esther Travieso llevaba un trabajo del diseñador Willie Díaz, que ya se alzó con el premio en la pasada edición. Esta noche, el Carnaval ha elegido además, en la misma gala, los premios de las categ...

Amazing phenomeon: Rare ice caves form on frozen Great Lakes in extreme ...

Hundreds of Canadians and Americans took advantage of public holidays in both countries Monday (February 17) to view rare ice caves that formed after weeks of high winds, snow and bitterly cold temperatures in the Great Lakes region. On the Canadian shores of Lake Erie, visitors to Crystal Beach took photos and walked around the icicle-draped caves and crevices, struggling to find words to describe the scene. Even long-time residents were impressed. euronews: the most watched news channel in Europe Subscribe!

"Nicht sehr deutsch": Streik-Chaos am Frankfurter Flughafen

Gedränge und lange Schlagen am Frankfurter Flughafen. Weil das private Sicherheitspersonal, das für die Personenkontrollen zuständig ist, streikte, konnten viele Passagiere nicht zu ihren Fliegern. Rund 100 Flüge wurden gestrichen. Am Nachmittag war der Flughafen weitgehend gesperrt. Nur Transitpassagiere konnten durch, so die Bundespolizei. Ein Brite meinte: "Wir müssen versuchen, unser Gepäck zurückzubekommen, aber anscheinend wissen sie nicht, wie sie das anstellen sollen. Es gibt sicher vi... LESEN SIE MEHR:


Magnitude ML 4.0 Region GREECE Date time 2014-02-22 14:34:32.0 UTC Location 38.15 N ; 20.35 E Depth 0 km Distances 296 km W of Athens, Greece / pop: 729,137 / local time: 16:34:32.0 2014-02-22 122 km W of Pátra, Greece / pop: 163,360 / local time: 16:34:32.0 2014-02-22 13 km W of Argostólion, Greece / pop: 9,820 / local time: 16:34:32.0 2014-02-22 9 km SW of Lixoúrion, Greece / pop: 3,758 / local time: 16:34:32.0 2014-02-22 Source parameters not yet reviewed by a seismologist Magnitude ML 3.1 Region GREECE Date time 2014-02-22 12:08:43.0 UTC Location 40.65 N ; 21.34 E Depth 5 km Distances 148 km SE of Tirana, Albania / pop: 374,801 / local time: 13:08:43.0 2014-02-22 42 km S of Bitola, FYR of Macedonia / pop: 86,528 / local time: 13:08:43.0 2014-02-22 16 km S of Flórina, Greece / pop: 16,771 / local time: 14:08:43.0 2014-02-22 Source parameters provided by: Magnitude ML 3.7 Region GREECE Date time 2014-02-22 11:42:28.0 UTC Location 40.71 N ; 21.29 E ...


Magnitude ML 2.5 Region FRANCE Date time 2014-02-22 14:49:34.4 UTC Location 44.96 N ; 6.61 E Depth 1 km Distances 151 km NW of Monaco, Monaco / pop: 32,965 / local time: 15:49:34.4 2014-02-22 86 km W of Torino, Italy / pop: 865,263 / local time: 15:49:34.4 2014-02-22 60 km NE of Gap, France / pop: 42,715 / local time: 15:49:34.4 2014-02-22 4 km N of Saint-Chaffrey, France / pop: 1,716 / local time: 15:49:34.4 2014-02-22 Source parameters provided by:   Laboratoire de Détection et de Géophysique -- Bruyères-le-Châtel, France (LDG) More information at:   Italian National Seismic Network Roma, Italy   Laboratoire de Détection et de Géophysique Bruyères-le-Châtel, France   GéoAzur Sofia-Antipolis, France   Réseau National de Surveillance Sismique Strasbourg, France   Bureau Central Sismologique Francais (BCSF) Strasbourg, France   Plan Séisme ( Information sur les bons gestes à appliquer en cas de séisme )


Magnitude ML 4.4 Region CENTRAL TURKEY Date time 2014-02-22 15:42:06.0 UTC Location 37.42 N ; 36.38 E Depth 6 km Distances 98 km NW of Gaziantep, Turkey / pop: 1,065,975 / local time: 17:42:06.0 2014-02-22 40 km N of Osmaniye, Turkey / pop: 202,837 / local time: 17:42:06.0 2014-02-22 18 km S of Andırın, Turkey / pop: 8,660 / local time: 17:42:06.0 2014-02-22 Source parameters provided by:   Kandilli Observatory and Earthquake Research Institute -- Istanbul, Turkey (KAN) More information at:   Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency, Earthquake Department Ankara, Turkey   Kandilli Observatory and Earthquake Research Institute Istanbul, Turkey


Magnitude M 4.4 Region OWEN FRACTURE ZONE REGION Date time 2014-02-22 16:14:00.8 UTC Location 14.02 N ; 56.65 E Depth 10 km Distances 1081 km S of Muscat, Oman / pop: 797,000 / local time: 20:14:00.8 2014-02-22 430 km SE of Şalālah, Oman / pop: 163,140 / local time: 20:14:00.8 2014-02-22 321 km NE of Tamrida, Yemen / pop: 8,545 / local time: 19:14:00.8 2014-02-22 Source parameters provided by:   GeoForschungsZentrum (GEOFON) -- Potsdam, Germany (GFZ)