
Es werden Posts vom Juli 17, 2022 angezeigt.


es2022nwuqu 17/07/2022 10:22:20 12:22:20 43.3722 -8.7477 1.0 1.9 mbLg NE MALPICA DE BERGANTIÑOS.C

El nuevo sistema alimentario controlado ya está en marcha y no se detendrán ante nada para extender su control

17 de julio de 2022 "Quien controla el suministro de alimentos controla a la gente; quien controla la energía puede controlar continentes enteros; quien controla el dinero puede controlar el mundo". Esta famosa cita de Henry Kissinger es cada vez más cierta. Los globalistas ya controlan la mayor parte del dinero, están en proceso de transformar el sistema energético tan rápido como pueden en sistemas en los que ellos mismos han invertido, y han tomado medidas drásticas para controlar la industria alimentaria mientras gran parte de ella pasa por debajo del radar. Si controlan las semillas, controlan los alimentos, y si controlan los alimentos, pueden utilizar la identificación digital para controlar el acceso de los consumidores a los alimentos. Mientras una serie de incendios destruyen repentinamente las fábricas de procesamiento de alimentos, de carne y de fertilizantes, mientras los agricultores sufren y se producen problemas en la cadena de suministro, un sistema de infra...

The new controlled food system is now in place and they will stop at nothing to extend their control"Whoever controls the food supply can control the people; whoever controls the energy can control whole continents; whoever controls the money can control the world." This famous quote by Henry Kissinger is becoming truer by the week. The globalists already control most of the money, they are transforming the energy system as fast as they can into systems they themselves have invested in, and they have taken drastic measures to control the food industry, while much of it goes under the radar. If they control the seeds, they control the food, and if they control the food, they can use digital ID to control consumer access to food. While a series of fires suddenly destroy food processing, meat and fertiliser factories, while farmers suffer and supply chain problems occur, a fully traceable food infrastructure system has already been built in several cities and is making its way across the world. Imagine a day when there are no more farmers' markets, when y...

Das neue, kontrollierte Lebensmittelsystem ist jetzt in Kraft und sie werden vor nichts Halt machen, um ihre Kontrolle zu erweitern

„Wer die Nahrungsmittelversorgung kontrolliert, kontrolliert die Menschen; wer die Energie kontrolliert, kann ganze Kontinente kontrollieren; wer das Geld kontrolliert, kann die Welt kontrollieren.“ Dieses berühmte Zitat von Henry Kissinger wird von Woche zu Woche wahrer. Die Globalisten kontrollieren bereits den größten Teil des Geldes, sie sind dabei, das Energiesystem so schnell wie möglich in Systeme umzuwandeln, in die sie selbst investiert haben, und sie haben drastische Maßnahmen ergriffen, um die Lebensmittelindustrie zu kontrollieren, während vieles davon unter dem Radar läuft. Wenn sie das Saatgut kontrollieren, kontrollieren sie auch die Lebensmittel, und wenn sie die Lebensmittel kontrollieren, können sie die digitale ID nutzen, um den Zugang der Verbraucher zu den Lebensmitteln zu kontrollieren. Während eine Reihe von Bränden plötzlich Lebensmittelverarbeitungs-, Fleisch- und Düngemittelfabriken zerstört, während die Landwirte leiden und Probleme in der Lieferkette auftret...

#Desaparecidos #sosdesaparecidos #Missing #España #Elche #Alicante

ALERTA DESAPARECIDOS @sosdesaparecido 🆘 DESAPARECIDA #Desaparecidos #sosdesaparecidos #Missing #España #Elche #Alicante



List of earthquakes-terremotos-WESTERN TURKEY

2022-07-17 14:43:14.9 50min ago 39.27 N 27.68 E 12 2.0 WESTERN TURKEY 2022-07-17 14:36:08.1 57min ago 39.29 N 27.73 E 10 2.2 WESTERN TURKEY 2022-07-17 14:23:51.0 1hr 19min ago 39.29 N 27.68 E 13 2.3 WESTERN TURKEY 2022-07-17 14:12:21.0 1hr 20min ago 39.39 N 27.69 E 400 2.4 WESTERN TURKEY 2022-07-17 14:05:14.7 1hr 30min ago 39.28 N 27.72 E 10 3.6 WESTERN TURKEY 10 IV 2022-07-17 13:40:07.4 1hr 56min ago 39.29 N 27.72 E 8 3.1 WESTERN TURKEY 2022-07-17 13:19:53.0 2hr 13min ago 39.28 N 27.73 E 7 2.7 WESTERN TURKEY 42 IV 2022-07-17 13:18:32.0 2hr 49min ago 39.28 N 27.73 E 3 2.2 WESTERN TURKEY 2022-07-17 12:40:49.8 2hr 52min ago 40.18 N 31.78 E 10 2.6 WESTERN TURKEY 2022-07-17 12:31:08.6 3hr 30min ago 39.29 N 27.71 E 9 2.5 WESTERN TURKEY 2022-07-17 12:00:47.5 3hr 32min ago 39.27 N 27.71 E 13 2.2 WESTERN TURKEY 2022-07-17 11:59:09.0 3hr 34min ago ...

WESTERN TURKEY-11 km NNE of Soma, Turkey-4.5

You felt this earthquake. Tell us! Magnitude ML 4.5 Region WESTERN TURKEY Date time 2022-07-17 11:55:39.3 UTC Location 39.27 N ; 27.68 E Depth 7 km Distances 46 km SSW of Balıkesir, Turkey / pop: 238,000 / local time: 14:55:39.3 2022-07-17 11 km NNE of Soma, Turkey / pop: 65,900 / local time: 14:55:39.3 2022-07-17 Global view Source parameters provided by: Kandilli Observatory and Earthquake Research Institute -- Istanbul, Turkey (KAN) More information at: Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency, Earthquake Department (AFAD) Ankara, Turkey Kandilli Observatory and Earthquake Research Institute Istanbul, Turkey


es2022nwuqu 17/07/2022 10:22:20 12:22:20 43.3722 -8.7477 1.0 1.9 mbLg NE MALPICA DE BERGANTIÑOS.C

GALICIA-24 km NNW of Malpica- A Coruña-2.3-1.9

You felt this earthquake. Tell us! Magnitude ML 2.3 Region SPAIN Date time 2022-07-17 04:26:53.6 UTC Location 43.52 N ; 8.92 W Depth 6 km Distances 45 km W of A Coruña, Spain / pop: 246,000 / local time: 06:26:53.6 2022-07-17 24 km NNW of Malpica, Spain / pop: 6,800 / local time: 06:26:53.6 2022-07-17 Global view Source parameters provided by: Instituto Geografico Nacional -- Madrid, Spain (MAD) More information at: Instituto Geografico Nacional Madrid, Spain ------------- You felt this earthquake. Tell us! Magnitude ML 1.9 Region SPAIN Date time 2022-07-17 01:13:10.3 UTC Location 43.47 N ; 8.82 W Depth 2 km Distances 36 km W of A Coruña, Spain / pop: 246,000 / local time: 03:13:10.3 2022-07-17 16 km NNW of Malpica, Spain / pop: 6,800 / local time: 03:13:10.3 2022-07-17 Global view Source parameters provided by: Instituto Geografico Nacional -- Madrid, Spain (MAD) More information at: Instituto Geografico Nacional Madrid, Spain

List of earthquakes-terremotos-ALBORÁN SUR

1.8 mbLg ALBORÁN SUR 2022/07/17 06:36:47 23 +info 2.2 mbLg ALBORÁN SUR 2022/07/17 04:57:46 15 +info 1.7 mbLg ALBORÁN SUR 2022/07/17 03:29:28 25 +info 2.1 mbLg ALBORÁN SUR 2022/07/16 23:45:48 19 +info 1.7 mbLg ALBORÁN SUR 2022/07/16 21:34:42 34 +info 2.0 mbLg ALBORÁN SUR 2022/07/16 21:31:18 25 +info 2.1 mbLg ALBORÁN SUR 2022/07/16 15:38:29 30 +info 1.8 mbLg ALBORÁN SUR 2022/07/16 12:25:59 30 +info 2.0 mbLg ALBORÁN SUR 2022/07/16 11:53:22 26 +info 3.0 mbLg N ANOUAL.MAC 2022/07/16 09:52:49 19 +info 2.3 mbLg ALBORÁN SUR 2022/07/16 09:37:40 22 +info 2.7 mbLg ALBORÁN SUR 2022/07/16 05:49:49 4 +info 1.9 mbLg ALBORÁN SUR 2022/07/16 05:37:18 26 +info 2.5 mbLg ALBORÁN SUR 2022/07/16 04:05:54 5 +info 1.9 mbLg ALBORÁN SUR 2022/07/16 02:55:50 3 +info 2.0 mbLg ALBORÁN SUR 2022/07/15 20:58:30 20 +info 2.2 mbLg ALBORÁN SUR 2022/07/15 18:54:52 19 +info 2.2 mbLg ALBORÁN SUR 2022/07/15 17:41:29 26 +...


es2022nwnlx 17/07/2022 06:44:38 08:44:38 38.1295 -1.2899 5.0 2.1 mbLg NE ARCHENA.MU -------------- You felt this earthquake. Tell us! Magnitude ML 2.1 Region SPAIN Date time 2022-07-17 06:44:38.7 UTC Location 38.13 N ; 1.29 W Depth 5 km Distances 21 km NW of Murcia, Spain / pop: 436,000 / local time: 08:44:38.7 2022-07-17 11 km NW of Molina de Segura, Spain / pop: 64,000 / local time: 08:44:38.7 2022-07-17 Global view Source parameters provided by: Instituto Geografico Nacional -- Madrid, Spain (MAD) More information at: Instituto Geografico Nacional Madrid, Spain


es2022nwnbq 17/07/2022 06:32:33 08:32:33 36.8033 -7.3520 23.0 2.1 mbLg GOLFO DE CÁDIZ

A 737 battling with crosswinds at Madeira Airport ✈️

Air travel · See more Airplane Pictures ✈ @ilove_aviation · 3h A 737 battling with crosswinds at Madeira Airport ✈️ 📸 Paulo


es2022nwcnr 17/07/2022 01:13:10 03:13:10 43.4669 -8.8178 2.0 1.9 mbLg ATLÁNTICO-GALICIA es2022nwixv 17/07/2022 04:26:53 06:26:53 43.5197 -8.9155 6.0 2.3 mbLg ATLÁNTICO-GALICIA