
Es werden Posts vom Januar 23, 2016 angezeigt.

Espanha: PSOE rejeita avançar após recusa de Rajoy em formar governo

Publicado el 23 ene. 2016 O impasse pós-eleitoral prolonga-se em Espanha, depois dos socialistas afirmarem hoje, num comunicado, que não estão dispostos a assumir, "para já", a tarefa de tentar formar um governo. Um dia após Mariano Rajoy ter rejeitado o convite do rei, o PSOE deverá insistir na necessidade de que o PP apresente um candidato, durante a próxima ronda de discussões com o monarca, agendadas para quarta-feira. Nas ruas de Madrid, todas as opções permanecem em aberto: "Eu gostaria de ver uma coligação mais… LEIA MAIS:

Chaos in Spanien: – Rajoy und Sanchez wollen keinen Auftrag zur Regierun...

Publicado el 23 ene. 2016 Nachdem der spanische Ministerpräsident Mariano Rajoy den Auftrag zur Regierungsbildung zurückgegeben hat, muss König Felipe VI. nun einen anderen Politiker mit der Regierungsbildung beauftragen. Spaniens Sozialisten teilten am Samstag mit, dass nicht sie sondern die Volkspartei als stärkste Partei den ersten Versuch zur Regierungsbildung unternehmen müsse. Nach dem komplizierten Wahlergebnis vom 20. Dezember erwarten die Spanier eine schwierige Regierungsbildung: "Mir persönlich wäre eine gem… LESEN SIE MEHR:

Tormenta de nieve Jonas llegó a Nueva York con gran intensidad

Publicado el 23 ene. 2016 La potente tormenta de nieve Jonas llegó en la noche del viernes al sábado a Nueva York con una intensidad que la perfila como una de las mayores que padeció la ciudad.

Calais On Lockdown As Hundreds Of Migrants Storm British Bound Ferry

Freistaat Groningen Retweeted Breaking911 ‏ @ Breaking911 13m 13 minutes ago Calais On Lockdown As Hundreds Of Migrants Storm British Bound Ferry - http:// down-as-hundreds-of-migrants-storm-british-bound-ferry/   …

Das Wetter am Sonntag-24-01-2016-El tiempo Domingo-Primavera-Luna llena!


Un gran río no fue capaz de separar una tierra.

Galicia Máxica ‏ @ GaliciaMaxica 2m 2 minutes ago Un gran río no fue capaz de separar una tierra. Sin embargo alguien quiso separarlas dibujando una línea en el mapa. Lee Sang Sin. , I love Galicia , María José and 6 others

La Policía Nacional detiene al patrón de la última embarcación llegada a Ceuta

ASIGC, Asturias ‏ @ pablovzgz 1h 1 hour ago La Policía Nacional detiene al patrón de la última embarcación llegada a Ceuta — El Pueblo de Ceuta http://   0 retweets 0 likes

Muere una mujer en Taborcías (Valdés) arrollada por el tren

ASIGC, Asturias ‏ @ pablovzgz 3h 3 hours ago Muere una mujer en Taborcías (Valdés) arrollada por el tren http://  

La Policía Nacional investiga la agresión a un hombre herido de arma de fuego en Marbella

ASIGC, Asturias ‏ @ pablovzgz 1h 1 hour ago La Policía Nacional investiga la agresión a un hombre herido de arma de fuego en Marbella http://  


Evento Fecha Hora (GMT)* Latitud Longitud Prof (km) Int. (***) Máx. Mag Tipo (**) Mag. Localización 1362336 23/01/2016 15:35:11 36.3454 -10.0198 40   4.0 4 SW CABO DE SAN VICENTE


You felt this earthquake. Tell us! Magnitude ML 2.9 Region IONIAN SEA Date time 2016-01-23 10:44:23.0 UTC Location 37.43 N ; 20.54 E Depth 4 km Distances 287 km W of Athens, Greece / pop: 729,137 / local time: 12:44:23.0 2016-01-23 139 km SW of Pátra, Greece / pop: 163,360 / local time: 12:44:23.0 2016-01-23 51 km SW of Zákynthos, Greece / pop: 11,541 / local time: 12:44:23.0 2016-01-23 41 km SW of Lithakiá, Greece / pop: 1,300 / local time: 12:44:23.0 2016-01-23 Source parameters provided by:   Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Department of Geophysics -- Thessaloniki, Greece (THE) More information at:   National Observatory of Athens, Geodynamic Institute Athens, Greece   Department of Geophysics, University of Thessaloniki Thessaloniki, Greece   University of Patras, Seismological Laboratory Patras, Greece


You felt this earthquake. Tell us! Magnitude ML 3.9 Region WEST OF GIBRALTAR Date time 2016-01-23 15:35:12.0 UTC Location 36.43 N ; 9.88 W Depth 15 km Distances 262 km S of Lisbon, Portugal / pop: 517,802 / local time: 15:35:12.0 2016-01-23 186 km W of Faro, Portugal / pop: 41,355 / local time: 15:35:12.0 2016-01-23 105 km SW of Sagres, Portugal / pop: 1,939 / local time: 15:35:12.0 2016-01-23 Source parameters provided by: You felt this earthquake. Tell us! Magnitude ML 2.8 Region STRAIT OF GIBRALTAR Date time 2016-01-23 13:18:29.7 UTC Location 35.80 N ; 3.85 W Depth 2 km Distances 141 km E of Gibraltar, Gibraltar / pop: 26,544 / local time: 14:18:29.7 2016-01-23 100 km NW of Melilla, Spain / pop: 73,460 / local time: 14:18:29.7 2016-01-23 63 km N of Tirhanimîne, Morocco / pop: 55,827 / local time: 13:18:29.7 2016-01-23 Source parameters not yet reviewed by a seismologist   Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera -- Lisbon, Portugal (IMP) Mor...


You felt this earthquake. Tell us! Magnitude mb 4.8 Region HOKKAIDO, JAPAN REGION Date time 2016-01-23 15:57:00.4 UTC Location 43.25 N ; 145.74 E Depth 109 km Distances 358 km E of Sapporo-shi, Japan / pop: 1,883,027 / local time: 00:57:00.4 2016-01-24 16 km SE of Nemuro, Japan / pop: 31,223 / local time: 00:57:00.4 2016-01-24 Source parameters not yet reviewed by a seismologist More information at:   USGS/NEIC Denver, USA   GeoForschungsZentrum (GEOFON) Potsdam, Germany   Geophysical Survey. Russian Academy of Sciences Obninsk, Russia

Muere una mujer en Mallorca estrangulada por su marido

Noticias Información ‏ @ AreadeNoticias 10m 10 minutes ago Muere una mujer en Mallorca estrangulada por su marido http://   # noticias # titulares

Estado del tiempo en #Hornachos (#Badajoz)Weather Underground

Ma Teresa Expósito C ‏ @ castan_tere 13h 13 hours ago Hornachos, Extremadura Estado del tiempo en # Hornachos ( # Badajoz )Weather Underground: http://  

AEGEAN SEA-2.5-3.6

You felt this earthquake. Tell us! Magnitude ML 2.5 Region AEGEAN SEA Date time 2016-01-23 03:32:11.3 UTC Location 39.50 N ; 25.99 E Depth 8 km Distances 156 km NW of İzmir, Turkey / pop: 2,500,603 / local time: 05:32:11.3 2016-01-23 65 km NW of Mytilíni, Greece / pop: 28,322 / local time: 05:32:11.3 2016-01-23 37 km W of Ayvacık, Turkey / pop: 6,879 / local time: 05:32:11.3 2016-01-23 22 km NW of Míthymna, Greece / pop: 1,558 / local time: 05:32:11.3 2016-01-23 Source parameters provided by: You felt this earthquake. Tell us! Magnitude ML 3.6 Region AEGEAN SEA Date time 2016-01-23 02:35:53.3 UTC Location 39.51 N ; 25.98 E Depth 7 km Distances 158 km NW of İzmir, Turkey / pop: 2,500,603 / local time: 04:35:53.3 2016-01-23 67 km NW of Mytilíni, Greece / pop: 28,322 / local time: 04:35:53.3 2016-01-23 37 km S of Bozcaada, Turkey / pop: 2,635 / local time: 04:35:53.3 2016-01-23 23 km NW of Míthymna, Greece / pop: 1,558 / local time: 04:35:53.3 2016-01-23 Sou...

NORTHERN ITALY-2.3-SICILY, ITALY-2.8-2.1-2.1-2.4

You felt this earthquake. Tell us! Magnitude ML 2.3 Region NORTHERN ITALY Date time 2016-01-23 02:23:05.5 UTC Location 46.35 N ; 12.84 E Depth 8 km Distances 133 km W of Ljubljana, Slovenia / pop: 255,115 / local time: 03:23:05.5 2016-01-23 55 km W of Bovec, Slovenia / pop: 3,138 / local time: 03:23:05.5 2016-01-23 45 km NW of Udine, Italy / pop: 95,030 / local time: 03:23:05.5 2016-01-23 5 km S of Socchieve, Italy / pop: 1,023 / local time: 03:23:05.5 2016-01-23 Source parameters provided by: 2016-01-23   00:49:33.9 8hr 50min ago 37.70  N   13.78  E   35 2.8  SICILY, ITALY 2016-01-23   00:47:44.7 8hr 52min ago 37.76  N   13.84  E   36 2.1  SICILY, ITALY 2016-01-23   00:18:16.5 9hr 21min ago 37.72  N   13.85  E   35 2.1  SICILY, ITALY 2016-01-23   00:14:01.9 9hr 25min ago 38.80  N   15.7...


You felt this earthquake. Tell us! Magnitude ML 3.1 Region MONTENEGRO Date time 2016-01-23 02:46:49.5 UTC Location 42.35 N ; 19.01 E Depth 5 km Distances 23 km SW of Podgorica, Montenegro / pop: 136,473 / local time: 03:46:49.5 2016-01-23 9 km SE of Cetinje, Montenegro / pop: 15,137 / local time: 03:46:49.5 2016-01-23 Source parameters provided by:   Montenegro Seismological Observatory -- Podgorica, Montenegro (MSO) More information at:   Montenegro Seismological Observatory Podgorica, Montenegro


You felt this earthquake. Tell us! Magnitude Mw 4.5 Region EASTERN TURKEY Date time 2016-01-23 07:53:43.8 UTC Location 38.07 N ; 42.70 E Depth 5 km Distances 196 km N of Al Mawşil al Jadīdah, Iraq / pop: 2,065,597 / local time: 10:53:43.8 2016-01-23 64 km N of Şırnak, Turkey / pop: 52,743 / local time: 09:53:43.8 2016-01-23 11 km SW of Bahçesaray, Turkey / pop: 3,731 / local time: 09:53:43.8 2016-01-23 Source parameters provided by: 2016-01-23   08:57:39.1 43min ago 40.24  N   26.24  E   8 3.1  WESTERN TURKEY 2016-01-23   01:12:00.4 8hr 27min ago 38.89  N   29.90  E   6 2.4  WESTERN TURKEY 2016-01-23   01:05:55.2 8hr 33min ago 36.16  N   29.36  E   5 2.1  WESTERN TURKEY 2016-01-23   00:50:13.0 8hr 49min ago 40.83  N   27.30  E   5 2.3  WESTERN TURKEY   K...


You felt this earthquake. Tell us! Magnitude ML 2.5 Region PYRENEES Date time 2016-01-23 03:25:27.7 UTC Location 42.91 N ; 2.90 E Depth 2 km Distances 121 km E of Andorra la Vella, Andorra / pop: 20,430 / local time: 04:25:27.7 2016-01-23 24 km N of Perpignan, France / pop: 110,706 / local time: 04:25:27.7 2016-01-23 9 km N of Salses-le-Château, France / pop: 2,740 / local time: 04:25:27.7 2016-01-23 Source parameters provided by:   Laboratoire de Détection et de Géophysique -- Bruyères-le-Châtel, France (LDG) More information at:   Laboratoire de Détection et de Géophysique Bruyères-le-Châtel, France   Réseau National de Surveillance Sismique Strasbourg, France   Bureau Central Sismologique Francais (BCSF) Strasbourg, France   Plan Séisme ( Information sur les bons gestes à appliquer en cas de séisme )