
Es werden Posts vom April 1, 2016 angezeigt.

Das Wetter am Samstag-02-04-2016-El tiempo Sábado

Álvaro Oliver ‏ @ alvaroliver 4h 4 hours ago La semana que viene comenzará "muy revuelta" en el interior de la Península... Lluvias generalizadas y abundantes Meteo RTVC ‏ @ MeteoRTVC 10h 10 hours ago Sábado 2: Viento de componente N. Intervalos nubosos generalizados, más compactos y abundantes en el norte.

Suche nach Nofretete: Bekanntgabe von neuen Ergebnissen verschoben

Publicado el 1 abr. 2016 Wer sich einen neuen, spektakulären Gräberfund in Ägypten erhofft hatte, muss sich weiter gedulden: Die für heute geplante Bekanntgabe von Forschungsergebnissen ist vertagt. Es geht dabei um "bisher möglicherweise unentdeckte Räume im Grab des Pharaos Tutanchamun": . Laut dem britischen Forscher Nicholas Reeves könnte sich dort sogar das langgesuchte Grab seiner Stiefmutter befinden, der Königin Nofretete. Beim weiteren Vorgehen müsse man sich voll… LESEN SIE MEHR:


You felt this earthquake. Tell us! Magnitude ML 2.2 Region WEST OF GIBRALTAR Date time 2016-04-01 20:31:47.0 UTC Location 36.62 N ; 9.80 W Depth 14 km Distances 240 km S of Lisbon, Portugal / pop: 517,802 / local time: 21:31:47.0 2016-04-01 172 km W of Faro, Portugal / pop: 41,355 / local time: 21:31:47.0 2016-04-01 88 km SW of Sagres, Portugal / pop: 1,939 / local time: 21:31:47.0 2016-04-01 Source parameters provided by:   Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera -- Lisbon, Portugal (IMP) More information at:   Instituto Portugues do Mar e da Atmosfera, Seismologia Lisbon, Portugal


6 IV 2016-04-01   19:51:11.3 1hr 33min ago 42.50  N   25.78  E   5 3.3  BULGARIA 2016-04-01   19:46:08.0 1hr 38min ago 42.58  N   25.73  E   14 2.7  BULGARIA F 2016-04-01   19:29:53.5 1hr 55min ago 42.58  N   25.73  E   14 2.7  BULGARIA


You felt this earthquake. Tell us! Magnitude ML 1.8 Region SWITZERLAND Date time 2016-04-01 12:52:49.7 UTC Location 47.27 N ; 7.04 E Depth 0 km Distances 47 km NW of Bern, Switzerland / pop: 121,631 / local time: 14:52:49.7 2016-04-01 25 km SW of Delémont, Switzerland / pop: 11,315 / local time: 14:52:49.7 2016-04-01 4 km NE of Saignelégier, Switzerland / pop: 2,194 / local time: 14:52:49.7 2016-04-01 Source parameters provided by: You felt this earthquake. Tell us! Magnitude ML 1.6 Region SWITZERLAND Date time 2016-04-01 09:35:40.4 UTC Location 47.62 N ; 8.73 E Depth 22 km Distances 80 km NW of Vaduz, Liechtenstein / pop: 5,197 / local time: 11:35:40.4 2016-04-01 11 km SE of Schaffhausen, Switzerland / pop: 33,863 / local time: 11:35:40.4 2016-04-01 5 km NE of Andelfingen, Switzerland / pop: 1,328 / local time: 11:35:40.4 2016-04-01 4 km NE of Kleinandelfingen, Switzerland / pop: 1,094 / local time: 11:35:40.4 2016-04-01 Source parameters provided by: ...


You felt this earthquake. Tell us! Magnitude ML 1.6 Region NORTHERN ITALY Date time 2016-04-01 14:12:51.2 UTC Location 46.41 N ; 10.49 E Depth 9 km Distances 110 km SE of Vaduz, Liechtenstein / pop: 5,197 / local time: 16:12:51.2 2016-04-01 62 km NW of Trento, Italy / pop: 104,946 / local time: 16:12:51.2 2016-04-01 17 km SE of Valdidentro, Italy / pop: 3,908 / local time: 16:12:51.2 2016-04-01 Source parameters provided by:   Swiss Seismological Service -- Zürich, Switzerland (SED) More information at:   Italian National Seismic Network Roma, Italy   Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e Geofisica Sperimentale di Trieste Trieste, Italy   Swiss Seismological Service Zuerich, Switzerland


You felt this earthquake. Tell us! Magnitude ML 1.5 Region GERMANY Date time 2016-04-01 13:34:46.8 UTC Location 47.63 N ; 8.09 E Depth 0 km Distances 90 km NE of Bern, Switzerland / pop: 121,631 / local time: 15:34:46.8 2016-04-01 27 km N of Aarau, Switzerland / pop: 15,501 / local time: 15:34:46.8 2016-04-01 8 km N of Laufenburg, Switzerland / pop: 2,000 / local time: 15:34:46.8 2016-04-01 8 km N of Laufenburg, Germany / pop: 8,515 / local time: 15:34:46.8 2016-04-01 Source parameters provided by:   Swiss Seismological Service -- Zürich, Switzerland (SED) More information at:   Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe Hannover/Erlangen, Germany   Landesamt fuer Geologie, Rohstoffe und Bergbau Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany


You felt this earthquake. Tell us! Magnitude ML 4.5 Region CRETE, GREECE Date time 2016-04-01 14:30:48.0 UTC Location 35.97 N ; 25.19 E Depth 88 km Distances 259 km SE of Athens, Greece / pop: 729,137 / local time: 17:30:48.0 2016-04-01 71 km N of Irákleion, Greece / pop: 137,154 / local time: 17:30:48.0 2016-04-01 49 km SW of Emporeío, Greece / pop: 1,946 / local time: 17:30:48.0 2016-04-01 Source parameters provided by:   National Observatory of Athens, Geodynamic Institute -- Athens, Greece (NOA) More information at:   Technological Educational Institute of Crete, Seismological Network of Crete Chania, Greece   National Observatory of Athens, Geodynamic Institute Athens, Greece   Department of Geophysics, University of Thessaloniki Thessaloniki, Greece

Hoy tendremos un día soleado, con temp entre 1 y 13ºC. El domingo vuelve la lluvia. Más info

Protección Civil Mad ‏ @ madridprotcivil 3h 3 hours ago Hoy tendremos un día soleado, con temp entre 1 y 13ºC. El domingo vuelve la lluvia. Más info http://www. ediccion/municipios/madrid-id28079   …

Squawking #7700 #LH441 from Houston to Frankfurt

Flight Emergencies ‏ @ FlightEmergency 3h 3 hours ago Squawking #7700 # LH441 from Houston to Frankfurt http://   / @ CivMilAir

Entre la niebla el sol se abre paso para lucir en el #caminodesantiago

Noelia To Santiago ‏ @ WomanToSantiago 2h 2 hours ago Entre la niebla el sol se abre paso para lucir en el # caminodesantiago . Precioso amanecer para los peregrinos. # bue …

Bienvenido, Abril!💃🏻 Decora tu pantalla con nuestro calendario y disfruta a tope cada día. ;)) #FelizViernes

OléAndalucía ‏ @ Ole_Andalucia 2h 2 hours ago ¡Bienvenido, Abril! Decora tu pantalla con nuestro calendario y disfruta a tope cada día. ;)) # FelizViernes

ALBORÁN SUR-2.6-3.0-2.9

Evento Fecha Hora (GMT)* Latitud Longitud Prof (km) Int. (***) Máx. Mag Tipo Mag. (**) Localización Info ign2016gktg 01/04/2016 06:17:48 35.4454 -3.7414 18   2.6 mbLg ALBORÁN SUR [+] ign2016gkjz 01/04/2016 01:36:08 35.5906 -3.6322 28   3.0 mbLg ALBORÁN SUR [+] ign2016gkjy 01/04/2016 01:33:19 35.6659 -3.5468 22   2.9 mbLg ALBORÁN SUR [+]


You felt this earthquake. Tell us! Magnitude ML 2.3 Region CENTRAL MEDITERRANEAN SEA Date time 2016-04-01 00:15:39.1 UTC Location 35.33 N ; 22.93 E Depth 1 km Distances 302 km S of Athens, Greece / pop: 729,137 / local time: 03:15:39.1 2016-04-01 201 km W of Irákleion, Greece / pop: 137,154 / local time: 03:15:39.1 2016-04-01 101 km W of Chaniá, Greece / pop: 54,565 / local time: 03:15:39.1 2016-04-01 63 km W of Plátanos, Greece / pop: 1,077 / local time: 03:15:39.1 2016-04-01 Source parameters provided by:   Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Department of Geophysics -- Thessaloniki, Greece (THE) More information at:   Technological Educational Institute of Crete, Seismological Network of Crete Chania, Greece   National Observatory of Athens, Geodynamic Institute Athens, Greece   Department of Geophysics, University of Thessaloniki Thessaloniki, Greece   University of Patras, Seismological Laboratory Patras, Greece


You felt this earthquake. Tell us! Magnitude ML 2.4 Region STRAIT OF GIBRALTAR Date time 2016-04-01 01:36:10.2 UTC Location 35.60 N ; 3.49 W Depth 30 km Distances 179 km E of Gibraltar, Gibraltar / pop: 26,544 / local time: 03:36:10.2 2016-04-01 56 km NE of Al Hoceïma, Morocco / pop: 865,259 / local time: 02:36:10.2 2016-04-01 Source parameters reviewed by a seismologist More information at:   Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique et Technique, Institut National de Geophysique Rabat, Morocco   Departement des Sciences de la Terre Rabat, Morocco