
Es werden Posts vom April 16, 2016 angezeigt.

ALBORÁN SUR-1.8-3.0-2.3-2.4-2.5...

Evento Fecha Hora (GMT)* Latitud Longitud Prof (km) Int. (***) Máx. Mag Tipo Mag. (**) Localización Info ign2016hnfc 16/04/2016 20:05:58 35.7664 -2.2516 8   1.8 mbLg ALBORÁN SUR [+] ign2016hndd 16/04/2016 19:05:51 35.5360 -2.2425 25   3.0 mbLg ALBORÁN SUR [+] ign2016hnco 16/04/2016 18:49:05 35.6165 -2.2317 23   2.3 mbLg ALBORÁN SUR [+] ign2016hncn 16/04/2016 18:47:02 35.6623 -2.3911 45   ...

Das Wetter Sonntag-17-04-2016-El tiempo Domingo


Mehr als 40 Tote bei Bebenserie in Japan

Publicado el 16 abr. 2016 Bei einer Serie starker Erdbeben im Südwesten Japans sind binnen weniger als zwei Tagen mehr als 40 Menschen ums Leben gekommen. Rund 2000 Menschen wurden verletzt, wie Einsatzkräfte mitteilten. Mindestens 32 Menschen starben demnach allein am Samstag, als ein besonders schweres Beben der Stärke 7,3 die Region auf Japans südlicher Hauptinsel Kyushu erschütterte und enorme Schäden anrichtete. Die Atomreaktoren in der Region seien unversehrt geblieben, teilten die Betreiber mit. Ayuko Sakamoto e… LESEN SIE MEHR:

Japan earthquake: Rescue under way after massive tremor

MP Garza Retweeted Blue Buddha ブルー仏レディー ‏ @ Blubdha 16h 16 hours ago BBC News - Japan earthquake: Rescue under way after massive tremor 9 retweets 1 like   MP Garza Retweeted Robert Ward ‏ @ RobertAlanWard 22h 22 hours ago @ bramsonboudreau Home ok as far as I know, water/gas still on but no electricity. They're quite elderly, but bearing up so far. Pinned Tweet Robert Ward ‏ @ RobertAlanWard 23h 23 hours ago # KumamotoEarthquake # Japan - road rupture from...

View of Mt #Aso volcano early Sat morning (16/04) #Japan time - #KumamotoEarthquake

MP Garza Retweeted Robert Ward ‏ @ RobertAlanWard 23h 23 hours ago View of Mt # Aso volcano early Sat morning (16/04) # Japan time - # KumamotoEarthquake

ALL POINTS ALERT CERN: Large West Pacific earthquake strikes South Japan again today.

MP Garza Retweeted CHIXTU MANITUE ‏ @ lillabet1952 20h 20 hours ago Hillingdon, London ALL POINTS ALERT CERN: Large West Pacific earthquake strikes South Japan again today. https://www. ZEnRE   …

Death toll in #KumamotoQuakes rises to 41. Latest from..

MP Garza Retweeted Jim Roberts ‏ @ nycjim 8h 8 hours ago Death toll in # KumamotoQuakes rises to 41. Latest from @ nhk_news http:// ws/20160416_24/   …

Dramatic footage of second Japan quake

Publicado el 16 abr. 2016 Dramatic footage shows people rescued from collapsed buildings after the second deadly earthquake hit southern Japan. Rough cut - subtitled (no reporter narration). Subscribe:

Japan: Mindestens 15 Tote bei zweitem, schwereren Beben auf Kyushu

Publicado el 16 abr. 2016 In Japan hat ein weiteres und deutlich stärkeres Erdbeben die südliche Insel Kyushu erschüttert. Der Erdstoß der Stärke 7,3 auf der Richterskala ereignete sich Mitten in der Nacht auf Samstag. Dabei kamen mindestens 15 Menschen ums Leben. Eine Tsunami-Warnung wurde wieder aufgehoben. Besonders betroffen ist die Region Kumamoto. Experten bezeichen das vorangegangene Beben vom Donnerstag auf Kyushu nun als Vorschock. Es werden weitere Erdstöße erwartet. Die Regierung entsandte 20.000 Soldaten z… LESEN SIE MEHR:

El número de muertos tras el terremoto en Japón sigue en aumento

Publicado el 16 abr. 2016 Mashiki, (Kumamoto, Japón), 16 abr (EFE/EPA).- (Imagen: Kimimasa Mayama) Dos potentes terremotos en Japón, los mayores desde el que generó el tsunami de 2011, golpearon el jueves y hoy sábado el sureste del país, y causaron hasta el momento más de treinta muertos, millares de heridos y cientos de miles de desplazados.

In Princess Diana's footsteps, William and Kate visit Taj Mahal

Publicado el 16 abr. 2016 Britain's Prince William and his wife Kate tour India's Taj Mahal, 24 years after William's late mother, Princess Diana, visited the icon of love. Rough Cut (no reporter narration).

ALBORÁN SUR-2.5-2.5-2.2....

Evento Fecha Hora (GMT)* Latitud Longitud Prof (km) Int. (***) Máx. Mag Tipo Mag. (**) Localización Info ign2016hmvk 16/04/2016 15:12:05 35.6134 -2.2404 23   2.5 mbLg ALBORÁN SUR [+] ign2016hmvf 16/04/2016 15:05:34 35.6548 -2.2654 27   2.5 mbLg ALBORÁN SUR [+] ign2016hmve 16/04/2016 15:04:40 35.6666 -2.2488 22   2.2 mbLg ALBORÁN SUR [+] ign2016hmuu 16/04/2016 14:53:06 35.6004 -2.2496 23   2.2 mbLg ALBORÁN SUR [+] ...

EasyJet flight #U21923 Manchester - Malaga will be departing at 08:30 after it ..

Brendan Grainger ‏ @ S118869 3h 3 hours ago [Travel Update] EasyJet flight # U21923 Manchester - Malaga will be departing at 08:30 after it returned earlier due to a technical fault. 1 retweet 1 like


You felt this earthquake. Tell us! Magnitude mb 4.7 Region CRETE, GREECE Date time 2016-04-16 00:10:40.0 UTC Location 34.78 N ; 25.73 E Depth 10 km Distances 398 km SE of Athens, Greece / pop: 729,137 / local time: 03:10:40.0 2016-04-16 81 km SE of Irákleion, Greece / pop: 137,154 / local time: 03:10:40.0 2016-04-16 46 km S of Ágios Nikólaos, Greece / pop: 10,799 / local time: 03:10:40.0 2016-04-16 26 km S of Ierápetra, Greece / pop: 12,536 / local time: 03:10:40.0 2016-04-16 Source parameters reviewed by a seismologist More information at:   Technological Educational Institute of Crete, Seismological Network of Crete Chania, Greece   National Observatory of Athens, Geodynamic Institute Athens, Greece   Department of Geophysics, University of Thessaloniki Thessaloniki, Greece   University of Patras, Seismological Laboratory Patras, Greece


You felt this earthquake. Tell us! Magnitude mb 4.6 Region KYUSHU, JAPAN Date time 2016-04-16 00:16:28.6 UTC Location 32.56 N ; 130.56 E Depth 5 km Distances 117 km S of Fukuoka-shi, Japan / pop: 1,392,289 / local time: 09:16:28.6 2016-04-16 31 km SW of Kumamoto-shi, Japan / pop: 680,423 / local time: 09:16:28.6 2016-04-16 8 km NW of Yatsushiro, Japan / pop: 104,341 / local time: 09:16:28.6 2016-04-16 Source parameters provided by:   National Earthquake Information Center, U.S. Geological Survey -- Golden, USA (NEIR) More information at:   USGS/NEIC Denver, USA   GeoForschungsZentrum (GEOFON) Potsdam, Germany

Mount Aso erupts in small scale. Mount Aso is in Kumamoto. #earthquake #kumamoto

  MP Garza Retweeted おっさんマン ‏ @ ossan_man7 4m 4 minutes ago Mount Aso erupts in small scale. Mount Aso is in Kumamoto. # earthquake # kumamoto # prayforkumamoto

España impone nuevo impuesto a autoconsumidores de energía solar

Publicado el 15 abr. 2016 En España venció el plazo para que los autoconsumidores de energía solar adaptaran sus instalaciones fotovoltáicas a un nuevo real decreto ya conocido como "el impuesto al sol", normativa que obliga a pagar un peaje por la energía que utilizan. teleSUR


You felt this earthquake. Tell us! Magnitude M 4.6 Region CRETE, GREECE Date time 2016-04-16 00:10:39.6 UTC Location 34.87 N ; 25.67 E Depth 2 km Distances 387 km SE of Athens, Greece / pop: 729,137 / local time: 03:10:39.6 2016-04-16 70 km SE of Irákleion, Greece / pop: 137,154 / local time: 03:10:39.6 2016-04-16 36 km S of Ágios Nikólaos, Greece / pop: 10,799 / local time: 03:10:39.6 2016-04-16 16 km S of Gra Liyiá, Greece / pop: 1,282 / local time: 03:10:39.6 2016-04-16 Source parameters not yet reviewed by a seismologist More information at:   Technological Educational Institute of Crete, Seismological Network of Crete Chania, Greece   National Observatory of Athens, Geodynamic Institute Athens, Greece   Department of Geophysics, University of Thessaloniki Thessaloniki, Greece   University of Patras, Seismological Laboratory Patras, Greece

Disasters waiting to happen: 8 most dangerous nuclear plants near ea…

Wh¡†€ Møus€ Phøx ‏ @ WhiteMousePhox 2m 2 minutes ago Top story: Disasters waiting to happen: 8 most dangerous nuclear plants near ea… https://www. saster-nuclear-earthquake-japan/   … , see more http://   0 retweets 0 likes

Powerful Earthquake Causes Landslide in Japan

Publicado el 15 abr. 2016 A powerful earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 7.3 struck southern Japan early Saturday, barely 24 hours after a smaller quake hit the same region and killed 10 people. (April 15)

Erdbebenserie setzt sich fort: 7,1-Beben erschüttert Südjapan

Publicado el 15 abr. 2016 Nach der Erdbebenserie vom Freitag ist Japan erneut von einem schweren Erdbeben erschüttert worden. Mit einer Stärke von 7,1 auf der Richterskala war es deutlich heftiger als die zwei schwersten Beben des Vortages. Zu dem schweren Beben kam es in der Nacht zu Samstag um etwa 1.25 Uhr Ortszeit (16.25 MESZ) wieder in der Präfektur Kumamoto auf der südjapanischen Insel Kyushu. Das Epizentrum des Bebens lag nur sieben Kilometer unter der Erdoberfläche. Informationen über Tote oder Verletzte gibt … LESEN SIE MEHR:

Deadly earthquake Kyushu, Japan - Violent M7.3 aftershock - at least 9 people killed and 760 injured

  Last update: April 16, 2016 at 12:19 am by By Armand Vervaeck – Update 23:28 UTC : At least 9 people have been killed and 760 have or are being treated in hospitals for injuries . Update 21:42 UTC : JMA scientists are warning the Kyushu citizens to be extremely cautious as very strong aftershocks may happen within a week Update 21:41 UTC : At least 3 people have reportedly been killed and 470 have or are being treated in hospitals for injuries. Update 21:28 UTC :  A lot of buildings have structural damage like this one. They will have to be demolished completely. Update 21:20 UTC : The number of injured people from the lastest quake has increased to 470. The death toll still stands at 1 Update 20:47 UTC : This person was really lucky to have survived the earthquake Update 20:38 UTC : Many houses and buildings have sustained structural damage like this one. Update 20:20 UTC : * one dead in a fire in Kumamoto * all hospit...

Merkwürdiger Schnee (Schaum) nach Erdbeben in Japan-Mystery foam fills the streets after earthquake strikes Japan

Organic Activation™ ‏ @ OrganicAction 18m 18 minutes ago Mystery foam fills the streets after earthquake strikes Japan http://   # marketing # socialmedia & # random # news 1 retweet 1 like  Bemerkung: Wenn das Meer sehr stark aufgewühlt wird durch starke Kräfte, wird Wasser zu Schaum!

Earthquake epicenters moving East towards the fault lines !

MP Garza ‏ @ mpgarza2012 3h 3 hours ago # Earthquake epicenters moving East towards the fault lines ! # PMAbe # ShutownTheNukes

Das Wetter am Samstag-16-04-2016-El tiempo Sábado



You felt this earthquake. Tell us! Magnitude ML 3.2 Region PYRENEES Date time 2016-04-15 21:07:43.5 UTC Location 43.54 N ; 0.66 W Depth 5 km Distances 212 km NW of Andorra la Vella, Andorra / pop: 20,430 / local time: 23:07:43.5 2016-04-15 113 km NE of Pamplona, Spain / pop: 198,491 / local time: 23:07:43.5 2016-04-15 36 km NW of Pau, France / pop: 82,697 / local time: 23:07:43.5 2016-04-15 9 km SE of Amou, France / pop: 1,587 / local time: 23:07:43.5 2016-04-15 Source parameters not yet reviewed by a seismologist More information at:   Laboratoire de Détection et de Géophysique Bruyères-le-Châtel, France   Réseau National de Surveillance Sismique Strasbourg, France   Bureau Central Sismologique Francais (BCSF) Strasbourg, France   Plan Séisme ( Information sur les bons gestes à appliquer en cas de séisme )