
Es werden Posts vom November 24, 2015 angezeigt.

Das Wetter am Mittwoch 25-11-2015-El tiempo Miercoles


Hausdurchsuchung bei Islamisten nahe Toulouse

Veröffentlicht am 24.11.2015 Die französische Polizei hat das Haus eines 69-jährigen Islamisten südlich von Toulouse durchsucht. Der Mann gilt als wichtige Figur im Islamistenmilieu und Mentor für junge Dschihadisten. Der Mann stammt aus, hat aber einen französischen Pass. Von den Medien wird er auch "der weiße Emir" genannt wird. Er soll mit dem Dschihadisten Fabien Clain in Verbindung stehen, der nach den Anschlägen von Paris als Sprecher im Bekennervideo des Islamischen Staates (IS) identifiziert worden war. Sechzig Poli… LESEN SIE MEHR:

Putin: Russischer Kampfjet "von Helfershelfern von Terroristen" abgescho...

Veröffentlicht am 24.11.2015 Russlands Präsident Wladimir Putin hat der Türkei wegen des "Abschusses eines russischen Kampfjets": im Grenzgebiet zu Syrien mit ernsthaften Konsequenzen gedroht. Das Flugzeug (Su-24) habe bei seinem Kampfeinsatz gegen Terroristen in Syrien keine Gefahr für die Türkei dargestellt, sagte Putin: "Der heutige Verlust ist wie ein Stich in den Rücken, begangen von Helfershelfern von Ter… LESEN SIE MEHR:

Obama und Hollande: Gemeinsam im Kampf gegen den IS-Terror

Veröffentlicht am 24.11.2015 US-Präsident Barack Obama und Frankreichs Staatschef Francois Hollande haben ihre Entschlossenheit im Kampf gegen den IS-Terror betont. Auf einer Pressekonferenz in der amerikanischen Hauptstadt Washington versicherten beide, entschlossen gegen die Terrororganisation IS vorzugehen und entsprechende Maßnahmen zu ergreifen, damit der Kampf gegen die Terroristen in Syrien und im Irak intensiviert werden kann. Hollande war mit klaren Vorstellungen nach Washington gekommen. Nach den Anschlägen von Pa… LESEN SIE MEHR:

Artur Mas: "Montoro está jugando con fuego y se quemará"

Artur Mas: "Montoro está jugando con fuego y se quemará" http://www. 6/0/artur-mas-cataluna/liquidez-autonomica/govern-rajoy-union-europea/   …


Evento Fecha Hora (GMT)* Latitud Longitud Prof (km) Int. (***) Máx. Mag Tipo (**) Mag. Localización 1355710 24/11/2015 12:07:50 36.6442 -9.8004 18   2.7 4 SW CABO DE SAN VICENTE


Evento Fecha Hora (GMT)* Latitud Longitud Prof (km) Int. (***) Máx. Mag Tipo (**) Mag. Localización 1355768 24/11/2015 18:15:50 35.9954 -8.6091     2.1 4 GOLFO DE CÁDIZ

ALERT British Airways cancels flights between Egypt's Sharm el-Sheikh and UK until Jan. 14 ‏ @ airlivenet 8m 8 minutes ago ALERT British Airways cancels flights between Egypt's Sharm el-Sheikh and UK until Jan. 14 - @ BBCBreaking http://

ALERT Russia's State Duma proposes stopping of flights between Russia, Turkey, following jet incident ‏ @ airlivenet 7m 7 minutes ago ALERT Russia's State Duma proposes stopping of flights between Russia, Turkey, following jet incident - Interfax http:// ‏ @ airlivenet 8m 8 minutes ago ALERT Budget airline Easyjet cancels all flights to Sharm el-Sheikh until Jan. 6 - @ BBCBusiness http://

ALERT Budget airline Easyjet cancels all flights to Sharm el-Sheikh until Jan. 6 ‏ @ airlivenet 5m 5 minutes ago ALERT Budget airline Easyjet cancels all flights to Sharm el-Sheikh until Jan. 6 - @ BBCBusiness http://

#Rajoy: "Els proveïdors catalans cobraran perquè Espanya és un país solidari".

Francesc Vilallonga ‏ @ vilallongapac 10m 10 minutes ago # Rajoy : "Els proveïdors catalans cobraran perquè Espanya és un país solidari". M'estalviaré els comentaris. # oletu

Miércoles 25: Ambiente relativamente soleado a pesar de las nubes y menos viento que hoy Lanzarote y Fuerteventura

Meteo RTVC ‏ @ MeteoRTVC 7m 7 minutes ago Miércoles 25: Ambiente relativamente soleado a pesar de las nubes y menos viento que hoy Lanzarote y Fuerteventura


You felt this earthquake. Tell us! Magnitude ML 3.2 Region SICILY, ITALY Date time 2015-11-24 11:44:06.7 UTC Location 38.87 N ; 15.74 E Depth 106 km Distances 347 km N of Valletta, Malta / pop: 6,794 / local time: 12:44:06.7 2015-11-24 75 km W of Catanzaro, Italy / pop: 95,251 / local time: 12:44:06.7 2015-11-24 38 km NW of Vibo Valentia, Italy / pop: 33,957 / local time: 12:44:06.7 2015-11-24 Source parameters provided by:   Instituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia -- Roma, Italy (INGV) More information at:   Italian National Seismic Network Roma, Italy


You felt this earthquake. Tell us! Magnitude ML 2.2 Region WEST OF GIBRALTAR Date time 2015-11-24 12:07:51.0 UTC Location 36.67 N ; 9.75 W Depth 15 km Distances 234 km S of Lisbon, Portugal / pop: 517,802 / local time: 12:07:51.0 2015-11-24 167 km W of Faro, Portugal / pop: 41,355 / local time: 12:07:51.0 2015-11-24 81 km SW of Sagres, Portugal / pop: 1,939 / local time: 12:07:51.0 2015-11-24 Source parameters provided by:   Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera -- Lisbon, Portugal (IMP) More information at:   Instituto Portugues do Mar e da Atmosfera, Seismologia Lisbon, Portugal


You felt this earthquake. Tell us! Magnitude ML 2.0 Region NORTHERN ITALY Date time 2015-11-24 13:04:58.9 UTC Location 44.17 N ; 10.89 E Depth 9 km Distances 197 km SE of Milan, Italy / pop: 1,306,661 / local time: 14:04:58.9 2015-11-24 51 km SW of Bologna, Italy / pop: 371,217 / local time: 14:04:58.9 2015-11-24 28 km N of Pistoia, Italy / pop: 84,274 / local time: 14:04:58.9 2015-11-24 12 km NW of Taviano, Italy / pop: 1,693 / local time: 14:04:58.9 2015-11-24 Source parameters provided by:   Instituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia -- Roma, Italy (INGV) More information at:   Italian National Seismic Network Roma, Italy

Brussels extends terror alert as US issues travel warning

ysm Retweeted Agence France-Presse ‏ @ AFP 13m 13 minutes ago Brussels extends terror alert as US issues travel warning http://  


You felt this earthquake. Tell us! Magnitude ML 4.1 Region GREECE Date time 2015-11-24 09:39:04.2 UTC Location 38.75 N ; 20.43 E Depth 2 km Distances 291 km S of Tirana, Albania / pop: 374,801 / local time: 10:39:04.2 2015-11-24 106 km SE of Kérkyra, Greece / pop: 27,003 / local time: 11:39:04.2 2015-11-24 25 km W of Lefkáda, Greece / pop: 6,344 / local time: 11:39:04.2 2015-11-24 Source parameters not yet reviewed by a seismologist More information at:   National Observatory of Athens, Geodynamic Institute Athens, Greece

En buena parte del sureste peninsular, también han amanecido con frío. Resumen

Mercedes Martín ‏ @ Tiempo_Mercedes 33m 33 minutes ago En buena parte del sureste peninsular, también han amanecido con frío. Resumen @ MeteOrihuela

Turkey shoots down Russian jet on border with #Syria

Syrian Updates ‏ @ syrializer 31m 31 minutes ago BREAKING NEWS: # Turkey shoots down Russian jet on border with # Syria http:// ng-news-turkey-shoots-down-russian-jet-on-border-with-syria.html   …

Maó-Menorca plou i fa sol ..

Tomàs Molina Retweeted Jordi Fabregues ‏ @ JordiFabregues 50m 50 minutes ago @ TomasMolinaB Maó-Menorca plou i fa sol ....

Virgas de nieve al amanecer,Palma

Jordi Campos Retweeted Duncan Wingen ‏ @ DuncanWingen 24m 24 minutes ago Virgas de nieve al amanecer,Palma @ MetIllesBalears @ ecazatormentas @ AEMET_Baleares @ MiquelSalamanca @ cloudifytweets

LIVE French president Hollande left Paris earlier this morning to meet Obama.

Bild @ airlivenet LIVE French president Hollande left Paris earlier this morning to meet Obama.

UPDATE Plane appears to be a Su-24 operated by both Russia and Syrian Air Forces

Bild @ airlivenet UPDATE Plane appears to be a Su-24 operated by both Russia and Syrian Air Forces / @ Conflicts http://  

Las máximas empezarán a subir sutilmente esta tarde. En Canarias..

Mercedes Martín ‏ @ Tiempo_Mercedes 14m 14 minutes ago Las máximas empezarán a subir sutilmente esta tarde. En Canarias, sin cambios.

Mañana entra en circulación el nuevo billete de 20€ ¡

VOST CEUTA ‏ @ VOSTceuta 6m 6 minutes ago Mañana entra en circulación el nuevo billete de 20€ ¡Que no te la den con queso! Estúdialo: http://www. ros/Elementos-de-seguridad/TOQUE/Nuevo-billete-de-20%E2%82%AC   …

Nueva madrugada de heladas en el interior, las más bajas en el interior de Alicante: Pinoso -4.3ºC

AEMET_C. Valenciana ‏ @ AEMET_CValencia 2h 2 hours ago Nueva madrugada de heladas en el interior, las más bajas en el interior de Alicante: Pinoso -4.3ºC Villena -4.2ºC

CRETE, GREECE-3.3-2.8-2.6

You felt this earthquake. Tell us! Magnitude ML 3.3 Region CRETE, GREECE Date time 2015-11-23 23:39:25.9 UTC Location 35.44 N ; 23.45 E Depth 20 km Distances 283 km S of Athens, Greece / pop: 729,137 / local time: 01:39:25.9 2015-11-24 154 km W of Irákleion, Greece / pop: 137,154 / local time: 01:39:25.9 2015-11-24 52 km W of Chaniá, Greece / pop: 54,565 / local time: 01:39:25.9 2015-11-24 14 km W of Plátanos, Greece / pop: 1,077 / local time: 01:39:25.9 2015-11-24 Source parameters reviewed by a seismologist You felt this earthquake. Tell us! Magnitude ML 2.8 Region CRETE, GREECE Date time 2015-11-24 00:03:31.6 UTC Location 35.91 N ; 23.07 E Depth 30 km Distances 237 km S of Athens, Greece / pop: 729,137 / local time: 02:03:31.6 2015-11-24 188 km S of Trípoli, Greece / pop: 26,561 / local time: 02:03:31.6 2015-11-24 96 km NW of Chaniá, Greece / pop: 54,565 / local time: 02:03:31.6 2015-11-24 69 km NW of Plátanos, Greece / pop: 1,077 / local time: 02:03:31.6 ...


You felt this earthquake. Tell us! Magnitude M 3.2 Region DODECANESE ISLANDS, GREECE Date time 2015-11-24 07:47:23.1 UTC Location 36.76 N ; 25.77 E Depth 40 km Distances 220 km SW of İzmir, Turkey / pop: 2,500,603 / local time: 09:47:23.1 2015-11-24 106 km SE of Ermoúpolis, Greece / pop: 11,351 / local time: 09:47:23.1 2015-11-24 6 km SW of Kamárion, Greece / pop: 1,600 / local time: 09:47:23.1 2015-11-24 Source parameters not yet reviewed by a seismologist More information at:   Technological Educational Institute of Crete, Seismological Network of Crete Chania, Greece   National Observatory of Athens, Geodynamic Institute Athens, Greece   Department of Geophysics, University of Thessaloniki Thessaloniki, Greece   University of Patras, Seismological Laboratory Patras, Greece


You felt this earthquake. Tell us! Magnitude ML 3.1 Region CENTRAL MEDITERRANEAN SEA Date time 2015-11-24 03:07:44.1 UTC Location 36.72 N ; 16.23 E Depth 27 km Distances 183 km NE of Valletta, Malta / pop: 6,794 / local time: 04:07:44.0 2015-11-24 94 km E of Siracusa, Italy / pop: 123,657 / local time: 04:07:44.0 2015-11-24 Source parameters provided by:   Instituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia -- Roma, Italy (INGV) More information at:   Italian National Seismic Network Roma, Italy


You felt this earthquake. Tell us! Magnitude ML 2.7 Region BULGARIA Date time 2015-11-24 03:35:36.6 UTC Location 41.69 N ; 24.11 E Depth 2 km Distances 129 km SE of Sofia, Bulgaria / pop: 1,152,556 / local time: 05:35:36.6 2015-11-24 50 km W of Smolyan, Bulgaria / pop: 32,069 / local time: 05:35:36.6 2015-11-24 6 km NW of Dospat, Bulgaria / pop: 2,802 / local time: 05:35:36.6 2015-11-24 Source parameters reviewed by a seismologist More information at:   National Observatory of Athens, Geodynamic Institute Athens, Greece   NOTSSI, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Sofia, Bulgaria   Department of Geophysics, University of Thessaloniki Thessaloniki, Greece   University of Patras, Seismological Laboratory Patras, Greece