
Es werden Posts vom Februar 27, 2022 angezeigt.

Diese Götter walten im Moment auf dieser Erde-Hybris-Haido-Aidos

Der Gott der Unbeherrschtheit: bezeichnet einerseits eine Haltung, die zu übermäßigem Übermut verleitet, als auch die Art der Übergriffe. Die Hybris wird mit Frevel, Gewalt, Grausamkeit, Raub, Übermut, Unbeherrschtheit, Vergewaltigung, Verletzung, Willkür, Wollust gleichgesetzt. Schon Homer verwendete diesen Begriff in seinen Werken und bezieht sich auf willkürliches, anmaßendes, übermütiges und gewalttätiges Verhalten. Bei Hesiod steht die Hybris im Zusammenhang mit einer aus dem goldenen Zeitalter abgesunkenen Menschheit. Allerdings betont er, dass die Rechtsordnung der Dike letztlich über den Frevel und den Übermut der Hybris siegen werde. ----------------------------------------------------------- Haido war ein Kriegsherr, der versuchte, die Welt zu erobern, indem er die Ader von Gelel suchte, die es ihm ermöglichen würde, jede Wunde zu heilen und allmächtig zu werden. Er war bereit, jeden zu töten, der ihm in die Quere kam, sogar seine eigenen Kameraden. Er war sehr täuschend, k...

21:25 AVE 2202 Madrid - Málaga, derivado de interceptación de vía por arrollamiento que ha afectado a trenes precedentes y gestiones técnicas..

InfoRenfe @Inforenfe · 5m 21:25 AVE 2202 Madrid - Málaga, derivado de interceptación de vía por arrollamiento que ha afectado a trenes precedentes y gestiones técnicas, circula con una demora de 35 minutos a su paso por La Sagra.

PYRENEES-18 km ESE of Bagnères-de-Bigorre, France-2.0

You felt this earthquake. Tell us! Magnitude ML 2.0 Region PYRENEES Date time 2022-02-27 15:49:47.1 UTC Location 42.98 N ; 0.33 E Depth 11 km Distances 111 km WNW of Andorra la Vella, Andorra / pop: 20,400 / local time: 16:49:47.1 2022-02-27 18 km ESE of Bagnères-de-Bigorre, France / pop: 8,900 / local time: 16:49:47.1 2022-02-27 Global view Source parameters provided by: Instituto Geografico Nacional -- Madrid, Spain (MAD) More information at: Laboratoire de Détection et de Géophysique Bruyères-le-Châtel, France Instituto Geografico Nacional Madrid, Spain Réseau National de Surveillance Sismique Strasbourg, France Bureau Central Sismologique Francais (BCSF) Strasbourg, France Plan Séisme (Information sur les bons gestes à appliquer en cas de séisme) Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières, France

The United States, Britain, Europe and Canada moved to block certain Russian banks' access to the SWIFT international payment system as part of sanctions against Moscow as it continues its military assault against Ukraine

Reuters @Reuters · 2m The United States, Britain, Europe and Canada moved to block certain Russian banks' access to the SWIFT international payment system as part of sanctions against Moscow as it continues its military assault against Ukraine


es2022eaybg 27/02/2022 09:59:51 10:59:51 36.7336 -5.2005 5.0 2.1 mbLg W RONDA.MA

Winston H. Elphick D. and Jorju 🌱 followLuchando por los PPP@Luchando_ppp·7hCachorra mestiza en adopción KEMBA

Winston H. Elphick D. and Jorju 🌱 followLuchando por los PPP@Luchando_ppp·7hCachorra mestiza en adopción KEMBA @Luchando_ppp o tiene 2 meses

BREAKING Canada is closing its airspace to Russian aircraft operators, effective immediately

BREAKING Canada is closing its airspace to Russian aircraft operators, effective immediately Omar Alghabra, Minister of Transport of Canada posted on Twitter that Canada’s airspace is closed to all Russian aircraft operator. Omar Alghabra said: ‘Effective immediately, Canada’s airspace is closed to all Russian aircraft operators. We will hold Russia accountable for its unprovoked attacks against Ukraine.’


es2022easrp 27/02/2022 07:17:03 08:17:03 42.2210 -8.3637 23.0 1.9 mbLg S COVELO.PO


es2022eauxw 27/02/2022 08:24:59 09:24:59 43.0051 -0.0992 0.0 2.6 mbLg SW LOURDES.FRA

PYRENEES-9 km SSW of Lourdes, France-1.6

You felt this earthquake. Tell us! Magnitude ML 1.6 Region PYRENEES Date time 2022-02-27 07:03:25.5 UTC Location 43.02 N ; 0.09 W Depth 10 km Distances 128 km ENE of Pamplona, Spain / pop: 198,000 / local time: 08:03:25.5 2022-02-27 9 km SSW of Lourdes, France / pop: 15,700 / local time: 08:03:25.5 2022-02-27 Global view Source parameters provided by: Instituto Geografico Nacional -- Madrid, Spain (MAD) More information at: Laboratoire de Détection et de Géophysique Bruyères-le-Châtel, France Instituto Geografico Nacional Madrid, Spain Réseau National de Surveillance Sismique Strasbourg, France Bureau Central Sismologique Francais (BCSF) Strasbourg, France Plan Séisme (Information sur les bons gestes à appliquer en cas de séisme) Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières, France

GALICIA-13 km ENE of Ponteareas-30 km E of Vigo-1.9

You felt this earthquake. Tell us! Magnitude ML 1.9 Region SPAIN Date time 2022-02-27 07:17:03.4 UTC Location 42.22 N ; 8.36 W Depth 23 km Distances 30 km E of Vigo, Spain / pop: 297,000 / local time: 08:17:03.4 2022-02-27 13 km ENE of Ponteareas, Spain / pop: 23,100 / local time: 08:17:03.4 2022-02-27 Global view Source parameters provided by: Instituto Geografico Nacional -- Madrid, Spain (MAD) More information at: Instituto Portugues do Mar e da Atmosfera, Seismologia Lisbon, Portugal Instituto Geografico Nacional Madrid, Spain

ALERT Denmark is preparing to close its airspace for Russian aircraft-BREAKING Germany and Finland to close its airspaces to Russian aircraft

AIRLIVE @airlivenet · 3m ALERT Denmark is preparing to close its airspace for Russian aircraft BREAKING Germany and Finland to close its airspaces to Russian aircraft Germany on Saturday said it was preparing to shut its airspace to Russian planes. Germany’s Transport Ministry announced the measure in a tweet. “The Federal Minister Volker Wissing supports the blocking of German airspace for Russian aircraft and has ordered everything to be prepared for this,” the ministry said in its post. The minister of transport of Finland also said the country is preparing to close its airspace to Russia.

Czech Republic, Poland, Bulgaria to close airspace to Russian flights

Quoted News @news_quoted · 12m Quoted : Czech Republic, Poland, Bulgaria to close airspace to Russian flights #quotednews #worldwidenews #Breakingnews #UkraineRussiaWar #UkraineUnderAttack #Zelenskyy #PutinHitler #ukraine

BREAKING Ireland to close its airspace to Russian planes

BREAKING Ireland to close its airspace to Russian planes Ireland will close off its airspace to all Russian aircraft as the invasion of Ukraine continues. On Sunday morning, Minister for Foreign Affairs Simon Coveney confirmed that Ireland will move to shut off the country’s airspace to Russian planes. He tweeted: “Shocking Russian attacks on Ukraine overnight. Ireland will move to shut off Irish airspace to all Russian aircraft.” Mr Coveney also called on other European Union countries to do the same.