SINOBAS @AEMET_SINOBAS · 28m Estimación desde satélite de probabilidad de #precipitación en últimas 3 horas Producto PC del SAF de Nowcasting
Àlex Van der Laan @alexmegapc · 8m Finalment, la bèstia freda del 20/21 DES caurà de ple cap a Romania, Hongria, Polònia moltíssim fred, 12 graus menys de la mitjana climàtica de desembre d'aquests països, tela!!! #meteo
INCIDENT A Ryanair Boeing 737-800 began to taxi with its tow bar still attached Ryanair Boeing 737 sustained damage to its right engine after it began to taxi prematurely with its tow bar still attached after pushback. The Boeing 737-800, with registration 9H-QAH, was scheduled to depart as flight FR2907 from Frankfurt International Airport to Puerto del Rosario Airport on 17th December. The tow bar remained attached below the engine until the pilots stopped taxiing. In the event, sparks came out of the engine caused by the friction of the tow bar. In the video shared on the internet, sparks emanating could be seen.