
Es werden Posts vom Mai 22, 2015 angezeigt.


Evento Fecha Hora (GMT)* Latitud Longitud Prof. (km) Int. (***) Máx. Mag. Tipo (**) Mag. Localización 1330594 22/05/2015 16:56:34 35.9650 -8.5945     2.4 4 GOLFO DE CÁDIZ

Ölpest: Einstiger Traumstrand voller verendeter Tiere

Nach dem Bruch einer unterirdischen Pipeline nahe der kalifornischen Küste kämpfen Behörden und Naturschützer weiter gegen eine Verpestung des Meeres und der Strände mit Rohöl, allerdings sind weite Teile bereits mit giftigem Öl bedeckt. Am Strand liegen mit Öl verklebte tote oder sterbende Tiere. Die Behörden schlossen beliebte Strandabschnitte an der Küste nahe der Stadt Santa Barbara. *Für die Tierwelt ist dies eine Katastrophe von noch nicht absehbarem Ausmaß.* Photos from the Santa Barb… LESEN SIE MEHR:

Canaria Island-Sehr starker Wind in der Costa Telde

...CANARYWEATHER... retweeted Gustavo Domínguez ‏ @ Gus_texeda 1h 1 hour ago @ _canaryweather @ MeteoRTVC @ meteogc Estado del mar muy complicado y viento muy fuerte ayer tarde en costas de Telde..

Guten Morgen-Sonne am Freitagmorgen


Deutsche Bank stellt sich neu auf - nun muss Ashu Jain liefern - economy

Hier ein Co-Chef vor Gericht, dort eine 2,5-Milliarden-Dollar-Strafe im Libor-Skandal. Die Deutsche Bank kommt nicht zur Ruhe. Als Aufsichtsratschef Paul Achleitner die Hauptversammlung eröffnete, klagte er über das ramponierte Image der Bank und stellte den beiden Vorstandschefs Anshu Jain und Jürgen Fitschen ein allenfalls mittelmäßiges Zeugnis aus. Jain war in einem kurzfristig beschlossenen Vorstandsumbau wenige Stunden vorher zur unangefochtenen Nummer eins bei Deutschlands größtem Geldha… LESEN SIE MEHR:

Weniger Menschen sollen künftig nach Großbritannien einwandern.

Regierungschef David Cameron, gerade erst wiedergewählt, "stellte dazu heute erste Pläne vor": ein Gesetzentwurf soll folgen. Schon zu Beginn seiner letzten Amtszeit hatte Cameron versprochen, den Einwanderungssaldo - also den Überschuss an Einwanderern gegenüber Auswanderern - auf unter hunderttausend im Jahr zu senken. Nach "neuen Zahlen waren es aber letztes Jahr geschätzt 318.000": … LESEN SIE MEHR:

Earthquake near Margate, Kent, United Kingdom

Last update: May 22, 2015 at 4:43 am by By Armand Vervaeck Earthquake-report Update : An earthquake at shallow depth (hypocenter or breaking point in between 10 and 40 km) can be a moderately dangerous earthquake below populated areas. Shallow earthquakes are often inflicting minor damage from M4.5 on. They often lead to injuries and serious damage from M5.5 on. Slight damage like cracks in walls, fallen tiles etc can be expected. 2km (1mi) WSW of Ramsgate, United Kingdom 5km (3mi) SW of Broadstairs, United Kingdom 6km (4mi) S of Margate, United Kingdom 17km (11mi) ESE of Herne Bay, United Kingdom 106km (66mi) E of London, United Kingdom


You felt this earthquake. Tell us! Magnitude ML 2.4 Region IONIAN SEA Date time 2015-05-22 00:03:47.6 UTC Location 37.36 N ; 20.50 E Depth 1 km Distances 292 km W of Athens, Greece / pop: 729,137 / local time: 03:03:47.6 2015-05-22 146 km SW of Pátra, Greece / pop: 163,360 / local time: 03:03:47.6 2015-05-22 59 km SW of Zákynthos, Greece / pop: 11,541 / local time: 03:03:47.6 2015-05-22 49 km SW of Lithakiá, Greece / pop: 1,300 / local time: 03:03:47.6 2015-05-22 Source parameters provided by:   Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Department of Geophysics -- Thessaloniki, Greece (THE) More information at:   National Observatory of Athens, Geodynamic Institute Athens, Greece   Department of Geophysics, University of Thessaloniki Thessaloniki, Greece   University of Patras, Seismological Laboratory Patras, Greece


You felt this earthquake. Tell us! Magnitude M 4.2 Region DODECANESE ISLANDS, GREECE Date time 2015-05-22 02:56:34.3 UTC Location 35.76 N ; 27.27 E Depth 10 km Distances 295 km S of İzmir, Turkey / pop: 2,500,603 / local time: 05:56:34.3 2015-05-22 189 km SW of Muğla, Turkey / pop: 48,183 / local time: 05:56:34.3 2015-05-22 114 km SW of Ródos, Greece / pop: 56,128 / local time: 05:56:34.3 2015-05-22 29 km N of Kárpathos, Greece / pop: 2,243 / local time: 05:56:34.3 2015-05-22 Source parameters not yet reviewed by a seismologist You felt this earthquake. Tell us! Magnitude M 3.5 Region DODECANESE ISLANDS, GREECE Date time 2015-05-22 01:44:39.0 UTC Location 36.10 N ; 26.13 E Depth 109 km Distances 272 km S of İzmir, Turkey / pop: 2,500,603 / local time: 04:44:39.0 2015-05-22 124 km NE of Irákleion, Greece / pop: 137,154 / local time: 04:44:39.0 2015-05-22 108 km N of Ágios Nikólaos, Greece / pop: 10,799 / local time: 04:44:39.0 2015-05-22 68 km SE of Emporeío...


Evento Fecha Hora (GMT)* Latitud Longitud Prof. (km) Int. (***) Máx. Mag. Tipo (**) Mag. Localización 1330455 22/05/2015 03:22:36 42.8186 -11.0425     1.9 4 ATLÁNTICO-GALICIA


You felt this earthquake. Tell us! Magnitude ML 3.4 Region NORTHERN ALGERIA Date time 2015-05-22 00:13:30.0 UTC Location 36.49 N ; 2.94 E Depth 10 km Distances 31 km S of Algiers, Algeria / pop: 1,977,663 / local time: 01:13:30.0 2015-05-22 4 km SE of Souma, Algeria / pop: 40,745 / local time: 01:13:30.0 2015-05-22 Source parameters provided by: Evento Fecha Hora (GMT)* Latitud Longitud Prof. (km) Int. (***) Máx. Mag. Tipo (**) Mag. Localización 1330601 22/05/2015 20:53:39 36.9309 2.9842     3.7 3 MEDITERRÁNEO-ARGELIA Evento Fecha Hora (GMT)* Latitud Longitud Prof. (km) Int. (***) Máx. Mag. Tipo (**) Mag. Localización 1330419 21/05/2015 23:29:06 37.2110 2.6924 ...


You felt this earthquake. Tell us! Magnitude Mw 4.6 Region MAULE, CHILE Date time 2015-05-21 20:34:12.5 UTC Location 34.89 S ; 71.85 W Depth 47 km Distances 194 km SW of Santiago, Chile / pop: 4,837,295 / local time: 17:34:12.5 2015-05-21 63 km N of Talca, Chile / pop: 197,479 / local time: 17:34:12.5 2015-05-21 53 km SW of Santa Cruz, Chile / pop: 33,283 / local time: 17:34:12.5 2015-05-21 Source parameters not yet reviewed by a seismologist You felt this earthquake. Tell us! Magnitude ML 2.9 Region MAULE, CHILE Date time 2015-05-22 02:00:45.0 UTC Location 34.90 S ; 71.81 W Depth 41 km Distances 193 km SW of Santiago, Chile / pop: 4,837,295 / local time: 23:00:45.0 2015-05-21 61 km N of Talca, Chile / pop: 197,479 / local time: 23:00:45.0 2015-05-21 50 km SW of Santa Cruz, Chile / pop: 33,283 / local time: 23:00:45.0 2015-05-21 Source parameters provided by: You felt this earthquake. Tell us! Magnitude ML 2.9 Region VALPARAISO, CHILE Date time 201...


You felt this earthquake. Tell us! Magnitude ML 2.4 Region SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Date time 2015-05-22 04:44:12.0 UTC Location 33.32 N ; 116.29 W Depth 12 km Distances 105 km NE of San Diego, United States / pop: 1,307,402 / local time: 21:44:12.0 2015-05-21 90 km NW of El Centro, United States / pop: 42,598 / local time: 21:44:12.0 2015-05-21 11 km NE of Borrego Springs, United States / pop: 3,429 / local time: 21:44:12.0 2015-05-21 Source parameters provided by: You felt this earthquake. Tell us! Magnitude Ml 2.3 Region SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Date time 2015-05-22 00:08:09.6 UTC Location 33.17 N ; 115.64 W Depth 2 km Distances 147 km NE of Tijuana, Mexico / pop: 1,376,457 / local time: 17:08:09.6 2015-05-21 60 km N of Mexicali, Mexico / pop: 597,099 / local time: 17:08:09.6 2015-05-21 43 km N of El Centro, United States / pop: 42,598 / local time: 17:08:09.6 2015-05-21 13 km NW of Calipatria, United States / pop: 7,705 / local time: 17:08:09.6 2015-05-21 Sour...


You felt this earthquake. Tell us! Magnitude Ml 3.3 Region BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO Date time 2015-05-22 05:05:58.6 UTC Location 32.36 N ; 115.24 W Depth 5 km Distances 168 km E of Tijuana, Mexico / pop: 1,376,457 / local time: 22:05:58.6 2015-05-21 39 km SE of Mexicali, Mexico / pop: 597,099 / local time: 22:05:58.6 2015-05-21 4 km W of Delta, Mexico / pop: 5,698 / local time: 22:05:58.6 2015-05-21 Source parameters provided by: You felt this earthquake. Tell us! Magnitude Ml 2.5 Region BAJA CALIFORNIA, MEXICO Date time 2015-05-22 05:58:02.2 UTC Location 32.37 N ; 115.24 W Depth 6 km Distances 168 km E of Tijuana, Mexico / pop: 1,376,457 / local time: 22:58:02.2 2015-05-21 38 km SE of Mexicali, Mexico / pop: 597,099 / local time: 22:58:02.2 2015-05-21 5 km W of Delta, Mexico / pop: 5,698 / local time: 22:58:02.2 2015-05-21 Source parameters provided by:   Southern California Seismic Network, California Institute of Technology / USGS - Pasadena -- , ...


You felt this earthquake. Tell us! Magnitude Mw 4.1 Region NORTHERN CALIFORNIA Date time 2015-05-22 02:53:00.9 UTC Location 38.43 N ; 122.26 W Depth 9 km Distances 605 km NW of Los Angeles, United States / pop: 3,792,621 / local time: 19:53:00.9 2015-05-21 69 km W of Sacramento, United States / pop: 466,488 / local time: 19:53:00.9 2015-05-21 15 km N of Napa, United States / pop: 76,915 / local time: 19:53:00.9 2015-05-21 9 km E of Yountville, United States / pop: 2,933 / local time: 19:53:00.9 2015-05-21 Source parameters provided by:   USGS Northern California Regional Network, USGS-Menlo Park, California -- , USA (NC)


You felt this earthquake. Tell us! Magnitude ML 4.3 Region ENGLAND, UNITED KINGDOM Date time 2015-05-22 01:52:15.1 UTC Location 51.32 N ; 1.27 E Depth 2 km Distances 97 km E of City of London, United Kingdom / pop: 7,556,900 / local time: 02:52:15.1 2015-05-22 46 km SE of Southend-on-Sea, United Kingdom / pop: 163,377 / local time: 02:52:15.1 2015-05-22 5 km N of Ash, United Kingdom / pop: 2,767 / local time: 02:52:15.1 2015-05-22 Source parameters reviewed by a seismologist More information at:   British Geological survey Edinburgh, Great-Britain