
MagnitudeML 1.8
Date time2015-02-03 08:55:05.3 UTC
Location46.19 N ; 6.92 E
Depth5 km
Distances94 km SW of Bern, Switzerland / pop: 121,631 / local time: 09:55:05.2 2015-02-03
35 km W of Sion, Switzerland / pop: 28,045 / local time: 09:55:05.2 2015-02-03
4 km NE of Champéry, Switzerland / pop: 1,191 / local time: 09:55:05.2 2015-02-03
Global view
Source parameters not yet reviewed by a seismologist
MagnitudeML 2.0
Date time2015-02-03 08:55:05.2 UTC
Location46.18 N ; 6.90 E
Depth5 km
Distances95 km SW of Bern, Switzerland / pop: 121,631 / local time: 09:55:05.2 2015-02-03
36 km W of Sion, Switzerland / pop: 28,045 / local time: 09:55:05.2 2015-02-03
2 km E of Champéry, Switzerland / pop: 1,191 / local time: 09:55:05.2 2015-02-03
Source parameters reviewed by a seismologist
MagnitudeML 1.8
Date time2015-02-03 12:21:00.1 UTC
Location47.18 N ; 7.26 E
Depth41 km
Distances29 km NW of Bern, Switzerland / pop: 121,631 / local time: 13:21:00.1 2015-02-03
2 km SE of Péry, Switzerland / pop: 1,342 / local time: 13:21:00.1 2015-02-03
Source parameters provided by:


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