Oklahoma shakes again (Stillwater – Cushing area) – Will this ever end?

Last update: October 10, 2014 at 3:00 pm 

Another earthquake in Oklahoma.
Since fracking injection wells started their work in Oklahoma, the state has become one of the most shaken in the world. Almost daily earthquakes are the price the people are paying for cheap energy.
In the process of extracting oil and gas, energy companies also end up extracting a lot of underground water: for every quart of oil yielded, in fact, as much as a gallon of water gets sucked up out of the ground. Because this wastewater is salty, drillers can’t simply dump it into the nearest freshwater stream; instead, they typically inject it back into the formation, via deep wells that can extend anywhere from one to three miles below ground. Unfortunately, the study’s authors have found, these wastewater injections can agitate long-dormant faults, causing them to slip—and trigger an earthquake.
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The price of “fracking” (wastewater injection wells) !!

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2km (1mi) SSW of Cushing, Oklahoma
30km (19mi) ESE of Stillwater, Oklahoma
59km (37mi) W of Sapulpa, Oklahoma
59km (37mi) E of Guthrie, Oklahoma
86km (53mi) NE of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma


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