Barcelona Grün Donnerstag-Merengada Carnaval de Vilanova 2012 - or "Midnight in plaça de les Cols"...
Der Schmutzige Donnerstag (Dijos Gras = "fetten Donnerstag") die Menschen in Vilanova i la Geltrú (Barcelona) treffen sich um Mitternacht und werfen "Baiser Teig" auf einander, die so genannte "merengada"
"Dijous Gras"On the carnival Thursday (Dijos Gras = "Fat Thursday") the people of Vilanova i la Geltrú (Barcelona) meet up at midnight and throw meringue batter on each other, the so called "merengada" "Dijous Gras"
"Dijous Gras"On the carnival Thursday (Dijos Gras = "Fat Thursday") the people of Vilanova i la Geltrú (Barcelona) meet up at midnight and throw meringue batter on each other, the so called "merengada" "Dijous Gras"