Moderate earthquake in Skopje, Macedonia - panic in the streets

Moderate earthquake in Skopje, Macedonia - panic in the streets

Last update: September 11, 2016 at 6:42 pm by By
Most important Earthquake Data:

Magnitude : 5.3
Local Time (conversion only below land) : 2016-09-11 15:10:08
GMT/UTC Time : 2016-09-11 13:10:08
Depth (Hypocenter) : 10 km
Depth and Magnitude updates in the list below.

Update 17:39 UTC : People sitting in the streets because they are fearing strong aftershocks
Schermafbeelding 2016-09-11 om 19.38.29
Update 17:33 UTC : Based on our sources 50 people have been injured because of this earthquake
A relatively strong earthquake did generate panic in the streets of Skopje, Macedonia. The images below reveal at least some slight damage.
Screen Shot 2016-09-11 at 17.43.13
Screen Shot 2016-09-11 at 17.43.34
Screen Shot 2016-09-11 at 17.48.21
Čair, Macedonia, 3.3 km (2.1 mi) Population: 64,773
Butel, Macedonia, 3.5 km (2.2 mi) Population: 36,154
Skopje, Macedonia, 4.5 km (2.8 mi) Population: 474,889
Šuto Orizare, Macedonia, 5.6 km (3.4 mi) Population: 20,800
Арачиново, Macedonia, 6.9 km (4.3 mi) Population: 12,800
  • Skopje - No proporty was dammeged but realy strong shaking lasted for seconds.
  • Skopje - Vertical hit, like off road driving or heavy turbulence in an airplane. Woke me up from sleep. The car alarms went off. No obvious damage whatsoever to property. I live on the VIII floor.
  • Skopje - Wow strong shaking!
  • Skopje - Just before 7 all of building woken up by light shaking and rattling
  • Skopje - Just before 7 all of building woken up by light shaking and rattling
  • Skopje - Verticam earthquake, very strong shaking with noise. Waked me up from sleep ! Freightnening.... hope not to have more....
  • Skopje - Bruit sourd. La pendule a sonné spontanément. La vaisselle a teinté dans les armoires.
  • Skopje - no damage, explosion like sound and two earthquakes in short time
  • Skopje - scary
  • Skopje - It felt like the building was shaking side to side
  • Skopje - Such a strong shaking.. very unpleasant experience...
  • Skopje - It was quick,but the rumbling deep sound and the shaking were terrifying. Keep calm.Stay Safe.Hopefully its all over. @thedjmkd
  • Skopje - Felt like a strong shake ..enough to get me out bed..there was a loud noise as well with the violent shake.. No damage .. Hope everyone is safe here... Peace.. H
  • Skopje - I woke up because the bed started shaking. It was the first time I experienced an earthquake
  • Skopje - Bed shaking woke me up
  • Skopje - Bruit plus profond et beaucoup plus fort que ce matin. La vaisselle teinte fortement dans les armoires. L'horloge sonne sous les vibrations. Pas de dégâts apparents.
  • Tirane - the lamp on the wall was shaking for a little while, people who were sleeping on the couch didn't feel it.
  • Sofia - It was week and it took around 5-10 sec.
  • Skopje - nouvelle secousse plus importante et plus longue que ce matin.
  • Ohrid - Ik lag op bed te rusten en ineens voel ik het bed onder mij schudden heen en weer. Twee keer. Ik schrok en belde meteen de receptie van het hotel om te vragen wat er aan de hand is. Ze zei dat het een aardbeving is maar er geen rede voor paniek. Na twee kee schudden werd het stil. Alles is in orde, prijs God.
  • skopje - loud thump followed by a roar. Shook a light fixture off.
  • Sofia - I felt the chair move forwards and backwards while I was sitting. Then I noticed the lamps hanging from the ceiling were swinging.
  • Tirana - Short and long away from here but still enough to feel it very well
  • Vodno - I was at a restaurant when everything started shaking. My family and I got out and left to a safer place.
  • Skopje - About 50-60seconds shake, half an hour ago(15:20).It was pretty strong.I was in a shopping mall and it caused big pannic around the people.
  • Pristina - Working on the sencond floor of a building in the city center, I felt weak shaking.
  • Prilep - It was shaking the house and seemed to last a long time.
  • Skopje - First time experience of an earthquake. I was just gonna enter the shower when everything started shaking. I quickly put clothes on and ran outside. I though the building would collapse on top of my head. No structural damage, but I'm still shaking
  • sofia - Starkes Schwanken des Gebäudes, da ich mich im fünften Stock aufhielt. Handtücher im Badezimmer schwankten stark.
  • Skopje - 6:57 am I was woken up by the sound of windows rattling and strong shaking which may have lasted up to a few minutes (5.0 M) followed by a smaller (2.7 M) shake which lasted for a few seconds. 3:10-15 pm I was driving on a rural road (aracinovo) when my car started shaking from side to side. this was a confirmed quake number 3 since this morning with a magnitude of (5.4 M). 6:11 pm local authorities have warned citizens for upcoming earthquakes at around 7 pm with unknown strength wish us luck.
  • Skopje - Ik was net terug gekomen uit NL. Was 1 uur thuis in Skopje. 's Ochtends was er om 7:00 al een aarbeving geweest. Ineens, zonder vooraankondiging, begon alles heftig te schudden. Het was een klapper. Duurde 15-20 sec denk ik. Dacht echt dat het gebouw zou instorten. Ben onmiddellijk naar buiten gerend vanaf de derde verdieping. Mensen op straat waren echt geschrokken; sommigen in paniek en veel gehuil. Gebouw heeft volgens mij structurele schade opgelopen; er zit een lange scheur in de buitenmuur
  • Skopje - I was in my room when it started. I live in an older house. I ran straight out as small debris started falling. There is a long crack where the wall meets the ceiling. One broken glass from the shelf. Lasted 5-8 seconds. It was followed by a lesser shake few minutes later.
  • volkovo - no property damage.
  • Skopje - 1 km from the epicentar..very strong ..roof damamge
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