Many very strong damaging earthquakes below and along New Britain, Papua New Guinea


Last update: May 5, 2015 at 9:02 am by By
Update : This is the Xth earthquake in less than a week poundering the same coastal area of New Britain. Kokopo and Rabaul are the closest towns to the epicenter. PNG is used to experience big earthquakes but so many on such a short time and some of them below land do not happen every year. Let’s hope for the inhabitants of New Britain that it will end soon and that the aftershocks will not be higher than M6
Update : Damage widespread across New Britain, even in Rabaul and Kokopo.
Tsunami seen on several coasts + port of Rabaul. No floodings reported.
Power down, no contact to rural villages affected by earlier earthquakes.
Schools evacuated, closed.
Office buildings damaged with collapsed ceilings
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A thrust Focal Mechanism means that the earthquake can be tsunami-genetic
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130km (81mi) SSW of Kokopo, Papua New Guinea
193km (120mi) E of Kimbe, Papua New Guinea
341km (212mi) SSE of Kavieng, Papua New Guinea
412km (256mi) WNW of Arawa, Papua New Guinea
680km (423mi) NE of Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea


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