
Magnitudemb 2.8
Date time2015-04-17 06:37:53.2 UTC
Location36.54 N ; 98.98 W
Depth7 km
Distances462 km NW of Dallas, United States / pop: 1,197,816 / local time: 01:37:53.2 2015-04-17
178 km NW of Oklahoma City, United States / pop: 579,999 / local time: 01:37:53.2 2015-04-17
39 km E of Woodward, United States / pop: 12,051 / local time: 01:37:53.2 2015-04-17
23 km NE of Mooreland, United States / pop: 1,190 / local time: 01:37:53.2 2015-04-17
Global view
Source parameters provided by:
Magnitudemb 3.8
Date time2015-04-17 08:37:11.4 UTC
Location35.94 N ; 97.33 W
Depth6 km
Distances353 km N of Dallas, United States / pop: 1,197,816 / local time: 03:37:11.4 2015-04-17
55 km N of Oklahoma City, United States / pop: 579,999 / local time: 03:37:11.4 2015-04-17
11 km NE of Guthrie, United States / pop: 10,191 / local time: 03:37:11.4 2015-04-17
7 km W of Langston, United States / pop: 1,724 / local time: 03:37:11.4 2015-04-17

Source parameters provided by:
 National Earthquake Information Center, U.S. Geological Survey -- Golden, USA (NEIR)

 National Earthquake Information Center, U.S. Geological Survey -- Golden, USA (NEIR)


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