New Zealand-Strong earthquake in the Cook strait of (Wellington – Blenheim)-5.7


41.562°S 174.357°E
Update 21.49 Uhr UTC: Das Hypozentrum oder Tiefe des Erdbebens wurde vom Geonet 8 km, das ist extrem flach, gemeldet. Geonet meldet eine Magnitude von 5,7. Neuseeländer hatten Glück, dass dieses Erdbeben unter den Wassern der Cook Strait auftraten, das gleiche Erdbeben auf dem Land hätte potenziell Schäden angerichtet.Bei erwarten wir vielleicht einige kleinere Schäden in einer begrenzten Anzahl von Häusern und eventuelle Erdrutsche hier und da. Vor ein paar Wochen haben wir Bilder von schweren Erdrutschen in der Gegend gesehen Wellington gesehen, lässt hoffen, dass es keinen zusätzlichen Schaden gibt. Das Erdbeben wurde entlang des Grabens Hikurangi generiert. Die Lage ist ein Bereich, wo die Subduktion Pazifische Platte Subducts die australische Platte in Richtung Westen auf 46 mm / Jahr verschiebt. Die Pazifische Platte schiebt und wenn der Druck zu groß wird entspannt er sich durch ein Erdbeben.

Die Cook Strait hat eine Menge von kleineren Erdbeben den ganzen Tag lang (siehe Karte).

Im Moment werden keine größeren Schäden erwartet.

Last update: July 18, 2013 at 10:20 pm by By

Update 22:17 UTC : Based on the Geonet I Have Felt It intensities we can conclude that no serious damage was inflicted.
Update 22:10 UTC :Reports in news sites are constantly exaggerating what happened. They don’t seem to understand the difference in between earthquakes in the sea and below land. This was indeed a scary experience for many as it happened so sudden. MMI values we are receiving the back office indicate a max. moderate shaking,
Update 22:03 UTC : We are eager to find out whether people on the ferry from Wellengton to Picton or reverse may have notified something (waves, noise …). If you were on board of one of the ferries, please let us know. We don’t think that this earthquake was noticed on a ship, but only people on board of the ferries or other ships sailing through the Cook Strait can confirm this.
Update 21:56 UTC : We see a lot of (weak) aftershocks on the seismograph. Almost none of them will be felt as the hypocenters are all of them located in the Cook Strait.
Update 21:53 UTC : Mikaela Bowmar wrote : No obvious damage that I can see from driving through Lower Hutt. Was a decent shake though!
Update 21:49 UTC : The hypocenter or depth of the earthquake was reported by Geonet at 8 km, which is extremely shallow. Geonet reports a Magnitude of 5.7. New Zealanders were lucky that this earthquake did strike below the waters of the Cook Strait as the same earthquake below land may have been potentially damaging.
At, we expect maybe some minor damage in a limited number of houses and eventual landslides here and there. A few weeks ago we have seen images of serious landslides in the Wellington area, lets hope that there is no additional damage now.
Update 21:41 UTC : The earthquake was generated along the Hikurangi trench. The location is a subduction area where the Pacific plate subducts the Australian plate in westward direction at 46 mm/year. The Pacific plate sometimes hangs and when the stress gets too big breaks away which is causing the earthquake.
The Cook strait has had a lot of minor earthquakes all day long (see map)
Screen Shot 2013-07-18 at 23.38.31
Update 21:35 UTC : Below the Seismogram Drum installed at Wellington New Zealand. We can also see a number of aftershocks. The red block means that the amplitude is much greater but has been limited for reading purposes.


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